How to Create and View Achievements in Blackboard Ultra

As an Instructor, you have the privilege to manage and create course badges. You have the following options:

  • Create, publish, and delete a course badge 
  • Set badge image from badge library 
  • Set performance criteria for one or more gradable items or gradebook calculation in the course. With multiple performance critera, students must meet all of them to earn a course badge 

Create an Achievement 

  1. Go to the Achievements and select + New Course Badge 
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. Set the title and description for the badge. The description is limited to 500 characters. 
  3. Select an image to represent the course badge. A variety of images are offered, covering a range of learner expectations
  4. Now, you have set at least one performance criteria for the course badge. Select a gradable item from the course.
  5. Then, set the expected level of performance for the student to earn the badge 
  6. *Optional: You can add additional requirements by selecting Add performance criteria. To remove criterion, select the trash can icon.
  7. The Summary section shows how the course badge will appear to students
  8. Finally, click Publish when you are finished creating your achievement badge. 
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

View Recipients of Achievements 

The recipient count appears for each course badge in the Achievement tab. Select a course badge to review the details of the recipients on the Recipients tab. The Recipients tab shows the date and time the recipient earned the course badge. To review the settings for the badge, select the Badge Settings tab.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Reviewing Achievements as a Student 

On the Achievements tab, students can review the details of badges and the requirements to earn them. They can also determine which badges they’ve earned and which remain unearned. When a student earns a badge, the badge also displays the date and time the badge was earned.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)