How to Create Groups in Blackboard Ultra

You can organize students into groups so they can interact with each other and demonstrate their knowledge while they learn to appreciate the perspective of others. 

Steps on How to Create Group Sets 

  1. Enter your course. 
  2. Go to the Groups tab and click on +New Group Set
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  3. Name the new group set. 
  4. From the Group students menu, you can divide your students among groups in these ways.
  • ​​​​​​​Custom: The instructor adds the students to each group.
  • Randomly Assign: The instructor chooses the number of students placed in each group and blackboard divides the students up
  • Self-enrollment: Students choose which group they would like to join. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Custom Groups

If you have chosen to create custom groups, please continue to follow the steps below.

  1. In the Group students menu, select Custom and enter a name at the top of the page.
  2. Select each student's name one after the other to select them as a group. Select a student's name again to remove the selection.
  3. After you select the students, open the menu next to one of their names and select Create a new group. You can also move multiple students to a group listed in the menu.
  4. Edit the group name if you want to change the default naming by selecting the pencil icon next to the group's name. 
  5. Provide an optional group description that will appear to that group's members. You have no limit on the number of characters. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Randomly Assigned Groups 

If you have chosen to create randomly assign groups, please continue to follow the steps below.

  1. In the Group students menu, select Randomly assign and enter a name at the top of the page.
  2. In the Number of groups menu, select how many groups to create. You need to create at least two. Students are equally assigned to the number of groups you choose.
  3. To remove all students from the current group set, select Unassign all by hovering over the person icon at the top of the page. The menu option changes to Custom if you move students to different groups after they're grouped and before you save.
  4. Edit each group name if you want to change the default naming.
  5. Provide an optional group description that will appear to that group's members. You have no limit on the number of characters.
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Self-Enrollment Groups 

If you have chosen to create self-enrollment groups, please continue to follow the steps below.

  1. To select Self-enrollment, you must first make the groups visible to students by selecting Visible to students on the top right corner of the New Group Set page.
  2. In the Group students menu, select Self-enrollment.
  3. Your students are evenly divided among the groups listed next to Number of groups. You need to create at least two self-enrollment course groups.​​​​​​​
  4. Select the plus sign wherever you want to add another group. The Number of groups updates automatically. You can add and delete groups even after students have started to join. If you delete a group that students have already joined, they’re moved to the unassigned list. You'll need to notify them to join one of the remaining groups or add them to a group. *Reminder: If you add an enrollment period, unassigned students are enrolled automatically when the period ends.
  5. You can add an enrollment start and end date. Select the arrow next to Advanced options to collapse the enrollment section.
  6. You can change or clear the Maximum number of members per group that appears by default. The optional maximum must be 1 or greater. If you add or delete groups, the maximum number doesn’t update.
  7. Select Hide enrolled members if you don't want students to see who's already joined.
  8. Edit each group name if you want to change the default naming.
  9. Add optional group descriptions. You can add information to help students choose a group. You have no limit on the number of characters.
  10. You can open the menu next to a group to access the management options.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)