How to Recover a Skipped Colleague Transaction ID

Colleague financial transactions may be created using a skipped key ID with the assistance of an Administrative IT systems analyst.  

A transaction ID number is assigned upon initial creation of the transaction in the appropriate entry screen such as GLJE, GLEE or GLBE (for budget transactions).  On rare occasion, an unexpected system logoff may cause the transaction to be lost, and this new transaction ID is not recovered.

IT can assist to reset the key counter for the transaction type, allowing the Business Office the reuse that skipped ID number.  The utility PID8 is used to temporarily reset the ID so that the next transaction will use that older transaction number.  The subsequent entry will resume at the next number in the current sequence. This fix requires coordination after hours, between IT and the business unit. It must be performed on a quiet system as use of PID8 will lock ALL databases with transaction data. An error message will appear on all Colleague users' screens indicating a record deadlock until IT exists the PID8 utility.

To find skipped IDs

  1.  In Excel, sort a list of all FY## B0 Budget Transaction IDs 
  2. Use the Text to Columns feature to split out just the number portion of the B0XXXXX ID,
  3. Format the column as a number, 
  4. Use the =If function such as =If(B1-B2>1,TRUE,FALSE) 

Results will appear similar to below (ignore the last row).  All rows with TRUE were skipped IDs. 

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IT Instruction - see related article for PID8 guidance Article - How to use PID8 to Recover ...