Echo360 Classroom Capture is a technology solution that enables instructors to capture and record lectures and classroom presentations for students to access online. This system combines hardware and software components to capture audio, video, and other content presented in a classroom and make it available for students to review and study later. Echo360 Classroom Capture provides analytics and reporting features that allow institutions to track student engagement with recorded content and assess its impact on learning outcomes. Instructors can schedule a capture recording or begin the recording ad-hoc.
How to Access
Who is eligible?
Classroom capture is available for all faculty at Sacred Heart University. If students need access to record, a request for that access will need to be made and approved.
Where and how do I access it?
Classroom capture videos that have finished recording and processing can be viewed in the Instructor library on EchoVideo (Classroom Capture). When signing in, please use your SHU E-mail and password.