Shared Drives General Information


Shared drives are a network-attached storage (NAS) or file-sharing solutions that allows multiple users or devices to access and share files and documents from a centralized location. Shared drives are commonly used at the department level for various purposes, including data storage, collaboration, and data sharing. 

How to Access

Who is eligible?

Shared Drives are permission based and access needs to be requested, approved and applied in order to access content. 

Where and how do I access it?

Once access is requested, approved and applied, the shared drive can be mapped on your computer for easy, consistent access.

To map the drive on Windows:

  • Open File Explorer (yellow file folder icon on your taskbar)
  • On the left-hand side, click on This PC
  • Click the three-dot menu near the top-middle of the window
  • In the menu that pops up, click Map network drive

A screenshot of File Explorer. This PC is selected and Local Disk (C:) is right clicked, showing a menu.

  • A window reading "What network folder would you like to map?" will appear. In the Folder field, input the following:
    • \\nascluster02\depart$\Example (Shared folder)
    • \\nascluster02\file$\Example (Personal folder)
      • Be sure to replace "Example" with the name of the drive you are trying to connect to!
  • If you are mapping the drive on a device that does not use your SHU account ( or for sign in:
    • Check the Connect using different credentials option
    • For username, enter SACREDHEART\yourSHUusername.
    • For password, enter your Sacred Heart password.
  • Click Finish

A Map Network Drive window. There are two fields in this window; Drive and Folder. There are also check boxes, one reading "Reconnect at sign-in" and "Connect using different credentials."

To map the drive on Mac:

  • Click Go, located at the top of the screen
  • Click on the Connect to Server... option

A Mac finder window. Go has been clicked, showing a menu. The needed option, Connect to Server..., is at the bottom.

  • In the window that pops up, input the following and click Connect:
    • nascluster02/depart$/Example (Shared folder)
    • nascluster02/file$/Example (Personal folder)
      • Be sure to replace "Example" with the name of the drive you are trying to connect to!

A Connect to Server window. There is a field filled out with "nascluster02/depart$/Example." There are two buttons at the bottom; a grey Browse button and a blue Connect button.

  • Enter your SHU username and password when prompted and click Connect.

2 windows on a Mac. One says "Connecting to smb://factorynas2 ..." and the other says "Enter your name and password for the server "factorynas2." There are two bullet points to choose from; Guest and Registered User, name and password fields, and a grey Cancel and blue Connect button.

Note: "factorynas2" is only shown as an example. This will be replaced with your drive when you map it.


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A file-sharing solution that allows multiple users or devices to access and share files and documents from a centralized location.