PhishNotify General Information


Phishing attacks are a common type of cyber-attack where an attacker sends fraudulent emails or messages to trick individuals into disclosing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. Phishing attacks can be very sophisticated and difficult to detect, which is why specialized tools and services are used to help prevent them. PhishNotify provides end users with the ability to send real-time notifications to the IT Security team when a phishing e-mail is suspected. 

How to Access

Who is eligible?

All members of the Sacred Heart University community have the ability to report an email and notify the IT Security team when a phishing e-mail is suspected. 

Where and how do I access it?

PhishNotify is available as a feature of Microsoft Outlook, the supported application for e-mail communication. 

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Provides end users with the ability to send real-time notifications to the IT Security team when a phishing e-mail is suspected.