SHU-DeviceNet General Information


SHU-DeviceNet is a network for connecting devices such as Xbox, PlayStation, Apple TV, Roku, Smart TVs, Google Chromecast, etc. These devices do not support connecting with the secure and encrypted features of the “Sacred Heart” Wi-Fi network.  

How to Access

Who is eligible?

Active members of SHU community.

Where and how do I access it?

Please only connect: consoles, assistance devices, entertainment devices, TVs. Laptops, phones, desktops, and tablets should use Sacred Heart network.

  1. Retrieve the Wi-Fi MAC address from your device.
    • Refer to the documentation for your individual device as MAC address location varies.
    • Some devices have the MAC address on a sticker on the underside/backside.
    • Some devices have the MAC address in the Settings under Network/Advanced/Connection etc.
  2. Go to SHU-DeviceNet site on a phone or laptop that is connected to the Sacred Heart network or VPN.
  3. Sign in with your SHU username and password.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Enter a device name - this is for your use to recognize which device it is.
    • Do not include any apostrophes
  6. Enter the MAC Address of the device.
    • The MAC address may be entered in any of the following formats.
      • AABBCC112233
      • AABBCC-112233
      • AABB.CC11.22.33
      • AA-BB-CC-11-22-33
      • AA:BB:CC:11:22:33
  7. Enter a Description (optional).
  8. Click Submit.
  9. Go to the network connection selection on your device.
  10. Attempt to connect to the SHU-DeviceNet network.
    • If you are prompted for a password, enter: SacredHeart
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Related Services / Offerings (1)

For connecting devices such as Xbox, PlayStation, Apple TV, Roku, Smart TVs, etc.