How to Schedule a Microsoft Teams Meeting in Outlook

Schedule the Meeting

  1. ​On your computer, open Outlook. 
  2. In the bottom left corner, select the calendar icon. 
  3. In the top right corner, select New Teams Meeting

  4. ​​​​In the To field, enter the participants you would like to invite to your meeting. 
  5. In the Subject field, enter the name of your meeting. 
  6. Modify the date/time fields to reflect the date and time your meeting begins and ends. 
  7. Select Send to send the invite to participants. 

Start the Meeting

  1. ​On your computer, open Outlook. 
  2. In the bottom left corner, select the calendar icon. 
  3. Navigate to the date of your meeting. 
  4. Double click the meeting in the calendar 
  5. Select Click Here to Join the Meeting. ​
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