How to Set a Student Accommodation in Blackboard Ultra

Student accommodations can be set one time within the course roster settings and apply to all assessments for the course. Accommodation options include additional time completing assessments and extended due dates. 


  1. Login to Blackboard and enter the course where the student is a member. 
  2. On the left hand side, under the Details and Actions Pane, select Roster.
  3. On the Roster page, select the three dots to the right of the student you wish to add and accommodation for.
  4. In the panel, select the accommodation for the student:
    • Due date accommodation: Students with this accommodation will never have their work marked late.
    • Time limit accommodation: Students with a time limit accommodation have more time to finish their work in a timed assessment. There are two different settings you can select:
      • Custom percentage for extra time - Select the percentage of extra time you would like this student to receive in addition to the regular time for the assessment. For example,
        • 50% extra time
        • 100% extra time
      • Unlimited - student with this enabled will never see a time limit for assessments.

The number of accommodations you've made appers in the settings for graded course items such as assignments or tests.

Ribbon Icon for Accommodations

Student who have accommodations will show up in your Gradebook and Roster with a purple ribbon icon next to their name. Students are unable to see any accommodations you have added. 

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