Distribution lists are used to send targeted emails to specific groups of users. While membership to some distribution lists is mandatory, there are others that provide the option to unsubscribe.
Unsubscribe from a Particular Email Distribution List
- When reading an email from a particular distribution list, look at the bottom of the email
- In the footer the following appears: "To unsubscribe, please click on this link:" followed by the unsubscribe link.
- Click on the link and the following dialog box will appear in a new browser web page:

DO NOT click on the "Click here to login and manage all of your subscriptions" as it is not completely applicable to the way SHU is configured with Regroup.
- Enter your email address as prompted and click "Send email for confirmation". Enter your SHU email address.
- A message will appear as shown below:

- You will receive an email with this subject: "Request to unsubscribe from <name of distribution list>", click the link provided
- A new web browser tab will open for the Regroup Dashboard
Manage All Group Memberships
Want to go through all of your group memberships and unsubscribe all at once? No problem, here's how:
- Be logged into Regroup (or log in at https://sacredheart.regroup.com).
- Click on “Edit Profile” in the upper right corner
- Scroll to the bottom to the section marked “My Groups" and click the carat to the left of that heading. It will then show you all the groups you are a member of.
- Scroll down the list and under the heading of Action, if the Unsubscribe is highlighted, you can click it and unsubscribe from the group.
Unsubscribe from Texting Notifications
- When you subscribe (or are subscribed) to a text-enabled group, you should receive guidance on what the group keyword is.
- When a text message is received and you wish to unsubscribe from that group ONLY, reply with "STOP <group keyword>". For example, if the group keyword is "pioneers", you would text "Stop pioneers" and that would stop text notifications for that group only.
- If you wish to not receive ANY texts from SHU Regroup, text "Stop" to 31002. This will unsubscribe you from any text messages from all Regroup groups at SHU.
Resubscribe to Texting Notifications
- Should you wish to re-subscribe to a group, text "RESUME <group keyword>". For example, if the group keyword is "pioneers", you would text "RESUME pioneers" and that would start text notifications for that group only.
- If you had previously unsubscribed from the SHU Regroup network, you can re-join by texting UNSTOP to 31002. This will re-subscribe you to the SHU Regroup network and you should receive text messages from all Regroup groups at SHU that you were previously subscribed to.