The Enrollment Budget reports are generated to display the actual vs. budgeted enrollments for each reporting term.
If you do not have access to the Enrollment Budget reports, please see the article Requesting Access to Enrollment Budget.
Term Timeline for Automated Report Generation
The timeline for report generation is as follows:
Fall Term
Report is available in June after the budget for the next fiscal year is approved and uploaded into the data warehouse as well as freshman schedules created. This will continue to update through November 30th.
E-mail Report subscription begins in June and will typically run through mid-September.
Winter Term
Report is available in October when registration for the Winter term opens and will update through mid-January.
E-mail Report subscription does not get generated for the Winter term.
Spring Term
Report is available in mid-November after registration for the Spring term is opened and will update through the end of March.
E-mail Report subscription begins in mid-November and will typically run through mid-February.
Late Spring Term
Report is available in late February when registration is opened for the Late Spring term and will update through the end of June.
E-mail Report subscription begins in late February and will typically run through the end of June.
Summer Term
Report is available in June after the budget for the next fiscal year is approved and uploaded into the data warehouse. This will continue to update through the end of August.
E-mail Report subscription begins in June and will typically run through the end of July.
Manual Report Generation
This report can be run on-demand as needed by following these steps:
- Access Reporting Services here:
- Click on the "Enrollment Budget" folder
- Click the "Enrollment Budget" report
- The "Reporting Term" and "As of Date" will be auto-populated based on the time of year according to schedule shown above
- If desired, these parameters can be changed