​​How to Request Print Access for Graduate Assistants

How to Request Print Access for Graduate Assistants

​​​Graduate Assistants assigned to a department should not use their personal SHUcards for department copying needs. They also should not use their personal funds for department printing needs. Please see below for alternate solutions to ensure the departments are appropriately charged for the work completed by the GA.

Graduate Assistant Needs to Make Copies for a Department

If a graduate assistant needs to make copies for a department, they should use a department copy card. This will charge the department appropriately for copies made by the GA. 

If your department does not already have a department copy card, submit the request using the link below:

Graduate Assistant Needs to Print for a Department

If a graduate assistant needs to print for a department, their SHUcard should have funds added to cover these charges so that their personal student fund is not charged. The card reader system does not provide the ability to choose which fund to use when printing.

If a department determines the GA needs to print for work-related responsibilities, they must understand that the student's school-related prints will also be charged from the same fund.

The department will determine the specific amount which will be added to the GA's SHUcard. This amount will be an upfront charge to the department. If additional funds are needed, a subsequent request can be submitted. If you agree to these terms, submit the request below.