How to Add a McGraw Hill Link to Blackboard

McGraw Hill is a third party publisher that integrates into Blackboard Learn. This link can be added to courses to allow students seamless access to the third party application. 


  1. Navigate to the course where you would like the link to be. 
  2. In the middle of the page, select the + sign to add content. 
  3. From the options that appear in the menu, select Content Market
  4. Scroll down and from the options in the Content Market, select the + sign in the bottom right corner of McGraw Hill Course Link
  5. This will add the course link to your main content page for students to access. Set the link visibility by selecting hidden from students, located below the name of the link.

Visibility Options

  • Visible to Students: the content will be available to all students in the course.
  • Hidden from Students: the content will be available to the instructor to continue to edit, but will not be available for students to view. 
  • Release Conditions: the content will be visible based on the criteria set.
    • Select Members:  You can make the content visible to all members (default) or specific members or groups. 
    • Date/Time: You can make the content visible based on a specific date/time. This is helpful when releasing content on a consistent schedule. 
    • Performance: You can make the content visible based on a student's performance on an assessment. This is helpful when you want to provide additional resources to students that may be struggling. 
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Article ID: 9783
Mon 7/22/24 9:16 AM
Mon 7/22/24 9:16 AM