Import Content to Blackboard Ultra

You can import a course package from a previous course or from another instructor. When you import content, it comes over in bulk. 

Import a Course Archive​

If you have a downloaded archive of your course, you can import it as follows.

  1. On the Course Content page, open the menu on the right side above the content list (click the three dots). Select Import Content.
  2. Next, in the menu that opens, select "Import Course Package"
  3. Next, in the file explorer window that opens, select your course archive
  4. Once completed, you will see a message that says "Content Imported"

​There are also other ways to import content which are:

  • ​Cloud Storage
  • Content Market
  • Content Collection

​​​​Import from Cloud Storage​

​You can upload files to web apps that run in the cloud and aren't on your computer, such as OneDrive for Business (supported by the University)

If you choose to import from Cloud Storage, it will prompt you select the web app to connect. Note: We recommend selecting OneDrive for Business as we can provide support in the event there is an issue.

  1. Select Import Content > Cloud Storage.
  2. Select OneDrive for Business.
  3. Sign in and allow the cloud integration service to connect to the web app.
  4. In the cloud storage pop-up window, select the file(s) to import. 
  5. Click Select to start the import process. 

Manage Cloud Storage Accounts

​If you have multiple accounts, you can switch between them by selecting AccountsIf you no longer wish to have your web app account ​associated with your Blackboard Ultra course, select the "X". Note: If you get an error code when trying to delete the account, refresh the page and it should display the initial pop up. 

Import from Content Market 

The Content Market is a gateway for instructors to find and add valuable external learning materials to their courses, including web-based tools and content from many different providers (ex: academic publishers). 

  1. ​Select the three dots across from Course Content, then select Content Market > Content Market.
  2. Select the + sign below the web-based tool and/or publisher you wish to add to your Course Content page. ​

Import from Content Collection

​Content Collection allows you to organize, share, and reuse files in your courses and files shared institution-wide. 

  1. ​Select Import Content > Content Collection. ​
  2. Browse the files and select the check box next to the file name. You can select multiple files at once. 
  3. Once you have added the file(s), select Submit.
  4. Review your list before importing. To remove or edit a file from the list, select the three dots.
  5. Select Save to add the content to your course. Note: FIles are hidden by default.