Creating a Group Discussion Board in Blackboard Ultra


Group discussions allow groups of students to actively engage with one another. 

How to create a Group Discussion Board 

  1. Select the + icon in the middle of the page under Course Content. 
  2. Select Create > Discussion ​​
  3. In the top left corner, enter a name for the discussion board. 
  4. In the middle of the page, select the + icon to add content and develop your prompt. 
  5. Select the settings gear in the top right corner. This opens all settings for the discussion board. 
  6. At the bottom of the settings menu, select ​Assign to GroupsUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  7. The Groups page will open up. You have the option to Group students into the following (step-by-step instructions for creating groups):
    • Custom 
    • Randomly Assign 
    • Self-Enrollment 
    • Reuse Groups - If you have already created groups, you will select this feature. 
  8. Note: Students who aren't assigned to a group won't have access to the group discussion because it won't appear on their Course Content pages. If you ask students to self-enroll in a group, they can't access the discussion until they join a group.  Once a discussion has been started, you can't move individual students out of the groups. However, you can move unassigned students into groups after discussions have started. 
  9. Select Save to save your changes. 

Viewing Groups attached to a Discussion Board 

After you create a group discussion, you can view groups from the Course Content or Discussions page. Select the groups link under the discussion title to open the groups page.​

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Article ID: 13722
Wed 11/20/24 3:24 PM
Fri 11/22/24 2:27 PM