How to Move Content to a New Qualtrics Account


These directions will guide a user or support person to move surveys, data and contacts from the old Qualtrics instance ( to the new Qualtrics instance (


You can manually move account content to a new account yourself. Here are the circumstances where it’s best to do a manual move:

  • If you have not started to collect data and the account you want to be moved just has inactive surveys.
  • If you have collected data in the past and do not plan on reopening the surveys, but want the surveys and data in your new account.
  • You only want to move a few surveys, not hundreds.
  • On emailed surveys, you’re okay losing distribution names, history, and the ability to send thank you and reminder emails.

Step-By-Step Directions

Moving Surveys

First, the survey itself, without the data, has to be moved. Feel free to skip steps 3-7 if you did not email the survey to your respondents or chose to anonymize the data.

  1. Log into your old account (
  2. Navigate to the survey you want to move.
  3. Go to the Survey Flow.
    survey flow page
  4. Click Add Below.
  5. Select Embedded Data.
  6. Click Add a New Field and create fields named RecipientEmailRecipientFirstName, and RecipientLastName.
    setting embedded data
  7. Click Move to drag the embedded data element to the top of the survey flow.
  8. Apply the changes.
    applying the changes
  9. Export the survey as a QSF file.
  10. Log into your new account (
  11. Create a new survey from your QSF file.

Moving Data

Next, you have to move the data itself over.

  1. Log into your old account (
  2. Go to the survey you want to export data from.
  3. Export the data.
  4. Log into your new account (
  5. Import the data into the new copy of the survey.

Moving Contact Lists

  1. Log into your old account (
  2. Find the contact list you want to copy over.
  3. Go to List Options and select Export List. Save your list as a CSV or TSV.
  4. Log into your new account (
  5. Navigate to the Create Contacts page.
  6. Import the contacts from the file you saved earlier.



Article ID: 14412
Wed 1/8/25 4:17 PM
Wed 1/8/25 4:31 PM