Concur Expense is used to manage university travel and expense reimbursements, as well as purchase card management. The entire expense history is stored in Concur; receipts are automatically captured and forms are processed and approved electronically. Additionally, the Concur Expense mobile app enables receipt submission conveniently by snapping a picture and submitting it as expenses are incurred.
How to Access
Who is eligible?
Any active university staff or faculty.
Where and how do I access it?
Link to the site: Concur Expense.
An active staff/faculty will use their full SHU email and password to access Concur. Sign in might prompt for multi-factor authentication (MFA).
How do I use Concur Expense?
To access and learn more about the use of Concur Expense, please see this page from the Business Office: Concur at SHU.
Concur users requiring assistance can email
Check the system status on the Concur Service Status Dashboard.
Additionally, recorded training is available on Dayforce for on-demand access:
"Introduction to Concur at SHU" - for all users and approvers.
"P-Card Processing in Concur at SHU" - for P-Card holders/processors only.