How to Change Course Tile Images in Blackboard Ultra


Course tile images allow for customization and personalization of the course.


When logging into Blackboard Ultra, you will notice that there are two different viewing options for your course list. By default, it is in list view but you can also change over to grid view. Grid view allows for more customization of your course. It can make it easier for you and your students to associate your course with a specific photo. 


  1. Select the grid view icon. 
  2. Locate the course tile you would like to change then select the three dots (top right of the course tile). 
  3. Select Edit course image. 
  4. Select Add new image. Note: Image must be 1200 x 300 pixels or larger.
  5. Select Save then you should see the new image for your course list. 

Resizing Images in Windows

Resizing an image can be done through Paint 3D, a free program that comes bundled with Microsoft Windows 10 & 11. 

  1. Open Paint 3D and select New to begin a new project. 
  2. Drag image into workspace or copy and paste. ​​
  3. Select Canvas at the top of the screen, on the right-hand side there is a toolbar with resize canvas options. 
  4. Change the Width and Height so that it is 1200 x 300 pixels or larger.

Resizing Images in MacOS

  1. To resize an image in MacOS, launch the Preview application (automatically opens when viewing an image).
  2. Select Tools on the top menu bar, then Adjust Size
  3. Change the Width and Height so that it is 1200 x 300 pixels or larger.



Article ID: 6659
Mon 4/29/24 1:43 PM
Mon 4/29/24 1:48 PM