How the Business Office Opens a Fiscal Year in Colleague


How the business office opens a fiscal year.


Each April, with the approval of the Controller, a new fiscal year is opened in Colleague. This process needs to be completed before the current fiscal year is closed AND prior to all accounts being frozen due to budgetary constraints (which usually happens in May when no one can purchase any more items for the current fiscal year).

Note; Once the Business Office does a “mass” freeze of all accounts for a fiscal year due to spending freezes, you won’t be able to differentiate which were status O (Open) and F (Frozen). Once the Year End Close process is run on Colleague, all accounts for that fiscal year will have a status of C (for Closed). The scheduled date must also consider the timing of student billing for the upcoming Fall semester. 

 See below for most current process steps for Business Office/IRADS/IT - under review 

General Information

Annual Cycle

This process usually happens in April and must be completed before:

  •  Student Accounts is ready to start applying charges to student receivables for terms starting on July 1st or later

  • Purchasing is ready to start creating Blanket/Regular Purchase Orders dated July 1st or later

History of Fiscal Year Open Dates

  • 2024 - April 28, 2023
  • 2023 - April 27, 2022
  • 2022 - April 15, 2021
  • 2021 - April 2, 2020
  • 2020 - March 28, 2019

Steps Before the Annual Process

  1. Coordinate with Business Office staff for a mutually agreeable date to perform the open
  2. Inform IRADS of the scheduled date for the fiscal year open so that they can prepare to take appropriate action
  3. Remind the Business Office staff to not make any updates to GL accounts during the specified time
  4. Business Office per Whitney [to be reviewed]: either (1) identify current fiscal year accounts without the 3000s linked and link object code before creating the saved lists, and/or (2) if a new account is created during the open process ensure it is linked correctly afterward.
  5. IT: Perform temporary cleanup of SAVEDLISTS starting with a number , as noted in the AGLS step below

Steps to Open the Fiscal Year

  1. Use MS SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the appropriate environment (production, test)
  2. ​​Create three SAVEDLISTS for use on the MACS screen
    • ​The first will include all active account numbers in the current fiscal year that have a status of O (Open)
    • The second will include all active account numbers in the current fiscal year that have a status of F (Frozen)
    • The third will include all active account numbers in the current fiscal year that have a status of A (Authorized), may result in zero records
    • Run queries found below, save results in an excel spreadsheet, and note the number of records for each query (needed later to confirm updates). Save in the network folder AdminIT\Datatel\Fiscal Year Open
  3. Login into appropriate Colleague environment with datatel credentials
  4. To be reviewed: Run SLED three times to create SAVEDLISTS for each status: Open, Frozen, and Authorized accounts
    • In Savedlist Lookup prompt enter new filename, click OK then Add
    • File naming convention: 
      • ​<Process><Fiscal year YYYY>_<Status><Fiscal year YYYY> (limit to 30 characters)
      • Another option, GLSTATUS<Status>FY<Fiscal year YYYY>
      • ex: GLSTATUSOFY25
    • Drill down to edit, copy accounts (without header) from excel spreadsheet and paste into SAVEDLIST EDIT CONTENTS window
    • Click Save, Save, and Update
  5. Run AGLS (Authorize Next GL File Suite) to open the next fiscal year
  6. If you receive the following error message "You are not allowed to rebuild an existing file suite." check the following:
    • ​​​​confirm on server SHUCOLLIVE01 whether there are files that start with a number in the following folder: 
      • d:\datatel\<server>\<environment>\apphome\SAVEDLISTS folder (ex: datatel\<coll18\production\apphome\SAVEDLISTS​​)
    • if there are, move them to the SAVEDLISTS_TEMP folder 
  7. The Ledger Description and File Suite Information will automatically populate
  8. Confirm that Proceed with the Authorization has a Yes
  9. Click Save and Update, Save and Update again, this process may take a little time so don't worry and there are many phases to the process
  10. After AGLS has completed, click Finish
  11. IT: If you temporarily moved files in the step above, move the files back now
  12. Run MACS to change the status on accounts from A (default after running above process) to the same as the current fiscal year
    • ​O (for open - so that activity can post to the account number[s])
    • F (for frozen - so that activity can no longer be posted to the account number[s])​
    • The process needs to be run two times to update the OPEN and FROZEN accounts
    • At the “Ledger ID Lookup” prompt, type in the 4 digit year (i.e. 2021) for the fiscal year just opened above
    • At the “Status accounts will contain” prompt, enter the code of the status that you want to give the account numbers you select (see above) and press Enter.   For example:
      • Enter "F" to freeze the account numbers in the new fiscal year that are also frozen in the current fiscal year
      • Enter "O" to open the account numbers in the new fiscal year that are also open in the current fiscal year​
    • ​Leave the following fields blank: 'Budget Officer ID', 'Rebate Tax Code' and 'Net Asset Class'
    • At the “GL Account Definition” prompt, press the "Detail" function key
    • This will bring you to the GLSF00 (GL Standard List/Select) screen
    • At the “Select/List” prompt, enter L (List Name) to select a SAVEDLIST
    • In the lookup field to the right, type OPEN... and select the appropriate file to identify the Frozen or Open accounts from the existing fiscal year to update their new fiscal year status with the same status
    • Confirm that the number of records noted in step one match for each file
    • Click Save and Update, this will bring you back to the first screen MACS (Modify Account Status)
    • At the “Proceed with the Modification” prompt, type Y, click Save and Update, and then Save and Update again
    • Repeat these steps for each account status

NOTE:  to be reviewed: Repeat the steps above for production and the appropriate test environment that most closely resembles the production environment related to finances.

Steps After the Fiscal Year is Opened

Once the steps above have been successfully completed, continue with the following steps
Set up ESOB Process in Process Handler in Production Environment Only

  1. Now that two fiscal years are open, the ESOB (Estimated Opening Balances) process needs to be run before the FRXE process, in the production environment only 
  2. Log into the production Colleague environment with the credentials of the user scheduling the jobs (not datatel)
  3. Go to MYPR (My Processes)
    • delete existing FRXE and FRXR jobs
      • click on row number of job to delete
      • at the Select Table Operation prompt, select "Delete"
      • at the next prompt, select "Whole Group"
      • click Save and Update, if a lock error message appears, click Retry until it works
  4. Access mnemonic ESOB to run the process manually the first time
    • Click Save and Update
    • Change Output Device to H "Hold/Browse File Output"
    • Click Save and Update​, and then Save and Update again
    • Once completed, save the report to include with the confirmation email to the Business Office
  5. Access mnemonic ESOB again to schedule it nightly
    • Click Save and Update
    • Change Output Device to E Electronic mail delivery
    • Enter "ESOB - Proc​ess Completed" as email subject 
    • Enter email addresses for recipients of notification that the process has run
    • Click Save and Update, Save and Update again
    • Change Execute in Background mode to 'Y'​
    • Select E Envision Process handler as the Background Execution Type
    • Update the Schedule Processing time and dates as follows
      • ​Schedule Process to Run Next on - enter tomorrow's date
      • after - enter 12:35am
      • Schedule Process to Run Every From 1 Day
      • Schedule Process on Weekdays only =No
      • Schedule Process to Start After 12:35am
      • Clear the date from Stop Automatically Scheduling Process on field
      • Click Save and Update​
  6. Access mnemonic FRXE
    • ​Data Mart lookup is COLLIVE
    • For both the current and new fiscal year, confirm that Status is "Open" and update Load to 'Yes'
    • Click Save and Update​​
    • Confirm Execute in Background mode is 'Y'
    • Confirm the Background Execution Type is E Envision Process handler​
    • Update the Schedule Processing time and dates as follows:
      • Schedule Process to Run Next on - enter tomorrow's date
      • after - enter 1:00am
      • Schedule Process to Run Every/From - enter 1 Day
      • Schedule Process on Weekdays only - enter No
      • Schedule Process to Start After - enter 01:00 am
      • Stop Automatically Scheduling Process on - remove date
      • Click Save and Update​
  7. Access FRXR
    • For the Data Mart - enter COLLIVE 
    • For the Start Date Range - enter the first day of the current month
    • For the End Date Range - leave blank
    • Click Save and Update
    • Change Output Device to E Electronic mail delivery
    • Add Email Subject: FRXR - Data Mart Load History
    • Confirm As Attachment is 'No'
    • Add email recipients as appropriate
    • Click Save and Update, Save and Update
    • Change Execute in Background mode? to 'Y'​
    • Select E Envision Process handler as the Background Execution Type
    • Update the Schedule Processing time and dates as follows:  
      • Schedule Process to Run Next on - enter tomorrow's date
      • after - enter  05:00am
      • Schedule Process to Run Every From - enter 1 Day
      • Schedule Process on Weekdays only - enter No
      • Schedule Process to Start After - enter 5:00am
      • Stop Automatically Scheduling Process on - remove date
      • Click Save and Update​
  8. ​Access MYPR
    • The following three jobs should be listed: ESOB, FRXE, FRXR​
    • ​Drill down into FRXE and confirm the following:
      • on line 8, both the current and the new fiscal year are listed 
      • on line 9, a Y displays for both years in the corresponding position
      • Click Cancel All

 Communication Follow-up

  1. Email Business Office staff to confirm process to open the new fiscal year has been completed, appropriate jobs have been scheduled (ESOB, FRXE, FRXR), and that Reporting Services has been notified ( Distribution List: Ward, Peter J. <>; Vitti, Whitney <>  See template below
    Cc: Surrusco, Antonietta D. <>; Sullivan, Sheila A. <>; St Onge, Liz-Ann M. <>; Quesada, Monica <>; Fevrier, Ann <>; Stern, Donna <>; Hayes, Kelley <> )   
  2. Also include Student Accounts, Student Financial Aid staff >; Savino, Julie <>; D'Arinzo, Lisa <>) to ensure they are aware.​
  3. Inform Reporting Services to exclude the newly opened Fiscal Year from the Fiscal Year drop-down in the Budget Inquiry report (and detailed version) /  Once the new budgets are loaded later in the summer, we request Reporting Services to include the new FY (and NEEDS REVIEW, the appropriate comment on the top of the report. Once the budgets for the new fiscal year have been loaded, these steps should be reversed?. The Business Office will inform the Admin IT system analyst at that time, approximately July timeframe. Then Admin IT system analyst will request that the fiscal year is added to the drop-down and the comment removed? or added?

Email Template: 


Subject: FW: Fiscal Year 20XX is now open

Hi all,

Fiscal Year 20XX has been opened successfully. 

Business office team – Please remember that we now need to link each new account for both fiscal years, FY2X and FY2X.  The ESOB job has now been scheduled to run before FRXE and FRXR daily.  Reporting services has excluded FY2X from the Budget Inquiry reports selection lists. 

Please share to anyone who needs to be aware.

If people have questions regarding FY25 budget, please them contact Sheila Sullivan via email.  For questions regarding posting transactions to FY25, please contact the Business Office via email.

Thank you,

Whitney Vitti



Article ID: 8322
Tue 6/11/24 3:35 PM
Thu 6/27/24 2:36 PM