How to Link Advisors and Advisees in Colleague


Steps to link advisors and advisees in Colleague.


The way advisors and advisees are linked in Colleague will drive how data is selected on reports, emails are sent for academic and mid-term warnings, as well as who advisors see on their SPA Advising screen.  

If someone appears on your list that should not -or- someone does not appear but should, check with your Department Administrative Assistant (DAA) to check what the start and end date of the Advisor-Advisee relationship is coded as in Colleague (Datatel).  Your DAA may need to make a correction to the dates in order for your list to display accurate results on the FADV or STAD screens.  If you are assigning an advisor to one student, the STAD screen is the best to use.  If you are assigning a group of students to a particular Advisor, the FADV screen is the best to use.

Add an Advisor to a Student using the STAD screen

  1. In Colleague, go to STAD (Student Advisement)
  2. At the Person LookUp prompt, search for the student you want to assign an advisor to or enter the student's ID number if available
  3. Go to the bottom of the list if there are already other advisors listed, to the next available row, and click the detail button
  4. At the Faculty LookUp prompt, search for the faculty advisor you want to assign
  5. The Start Date will default to the current date, this can be changed if the advisement should start on another date
  6. For Type, make sure to select the advisor type by clicking the dropdown and choosing the appropriate option
  7. For Acad Program, make sure the academic program is provided by entering the program code or typing ... and choosing the correct program to assign to the advisement record
    • NOTE: If you are adding an advisor for a student with an additional/double major you should still add the primary program under which the additional major is coded even if it is not the typical program associated with your majors
    • NOTE: You should not add the advisor at the time you are changing a student's major, the program must be saved to the student's record before you can add the program to the advisement record
  8. Save/Update out of the FADT and then Save/Update out of the STAD screen
    •  NOTE: if you do not Save out of both STAD and FADV, the advisor assignments will not be saved

Add Student to an Advisor using the FADV screen

  1. In Colleague, go to FADV (Faculty Advisees) and search for the Advisor you want to add advisees to
  2. Go to the bottom of the list to the next available row and click on the detail button
  3. At the Person LookUp prompt, search for the student you want to assign to the advisor or enter the student's ID number if available
  4. For Start Date, it will default to the current date, this can be changed if the advisement should start on another date
  5. For Type, make sure to select the advisor type by clicking the dropdown and choosing the appropriate option
  6. For Acad Program, make sure the academic program is provided by entering the program code or typing ... and choosing the correct program to assign to the advisement record
    • NOTE: If you are adding an advisement record for a student with an additional/double major you should still add the primary program under which the additional major is coded even if it is not the typical program associated with your majors
  7. Save/Update out of the FADT screen and repeat the steps to add any additional advisees
  8. Once you are finished adding all the advisees to the advisor Save/Update out of the FADV screen to save all of the added advisees to the advisor
    • NOTE: if you do not Save out of both FADT and FADV the advisor assignments will not be saved

Things to Double-Check with all Advisement Assignments 

  1. If you see any advisees on the advisor's list without an advisor type on the FADV screen, detail into that record and click the dropdown on the advisor type field to select the appropriate advisor type
  2. If you see any advisees on the advisor's list without an academic program on the FADV screen, detail into that record and add the program by typing in the program code or typing ... and choose the correct program to assign to the advisement record and then Save/Update out of the FADT screen and Save/Update out of the FADV screen to save all your changes.  If the program is not listed then when the student's program is ended, the advisement record will not be ended automatically requiring the end date to be manually entered before the advisement record will be ended.



Article ID: 8364
Thu 6/13/24 9:38 AM
Thu 6/13/24 11:54 AM