If a student is billed for the incorrect number of credits, as determined through discussion between the Registrar and Bursar (Student Accounts), then the Bursar may be instructed to adjust the number of billing credits on the RGBS (Registration Billing Summary). SCBO (Section Billing Override) screen. See example below to illustrate this problem.
Resolving Billings Issues
- Determine the number of credits to be billed for the course in question
- Pull up the student record on RGBS and select the term
- Drill down into the course section to the SCBO screen
- Adjust the Billing Credits amount to the correct whole number (found immediately above the Discount Code section.
- Save out of the SCBO screen. Save out of the RGBS screen
- Student Accounts will then re-bill and check if the billing is accurate.
Example: A student is registered in a section for a variable credit course, for only 1 credit, then the section is subsequently deleted,. The student is then registered in a new section by Registrars, however the number of credits for the new section is not entered to match what the student had registered for with the original section (such as 3 credits instead of 1 credit).