How to Complete Processing for Enrollment Reports


How to Complete Processing for Enrollment Reports



Creating the Savedlist for Branch Enrollment Report

The following process should be used to create the branch savedlists needed to run the Clearinghouse Processing:

  1. In Reporting Services, go to the Registrar's -> User Created folder and choose the report that corresponds with the branch you are running:
    • Clearinghouse Branch 00 - traditional term reporting (FA, SP, SU2)
    • Clearinghouse Branch 80 - modules term reporting
    • Clearinghouse Branch 81 - trimester term reporting 
  2. Click the dropdown arrow at the Term prompt and choose the term(s) you wish to run.
  3. Once the report is generated, click the Export button in Reporting Services and export the report to Excel.
  4. Format the column where the student ID is to be 7 digits by highlighting the column, then click Format -> Cells -> Custom and enter 7 zeros.
  5. Highlight the ID numbers to be copied in to the savedlist in Colleague.  You may need to remove the duplicates in Excel if student ID numbers are repeated.
  6. Use the following procedure to create the savedlist to be used in the SITX process:

Processing the Branch Enrollment File in Colleague

  1. Go to SIPG and enter a Y in the Purge LR.STD.ENR field only and click Save and Update
  2. Go to SITS
    • Enter 001403 in the School Code if not already populated
    • Enter the 2 digit branch code in the Branch Code field for the file you are processing (00, 80 or 81)
    • Enter the term description in the Academic Term Desc field, for example:  FALL 2023, FALL 2023 TRI (for branch 81) or FALL 2023 MOD (for branch 80)
    • All other fields above the grey line should be left as is
    • For Reporting Period enter or verify the reporting period dates making sure all term start and end dates fall within the reporting period and that the dates apply to the appropriate branch
      • For a Fall 00 reporting period, the start date should be the earliest start date of any sections in the Fall reporting term and the latest end date of any sections in the Fall reporting term
      • For a Fall 80 reporting period, the start date should be the earliest start date of any sections in the Fall module sections and the latest end date of any sections in the Fall module sections
      • For a Fall 81 reporting period, the start date should be the earliest start date of any sections in the Fall trimester programs and the latest end date of any sections in the Fall trimester programs
    • For the Census Date/Previous Census Date
      • Census Date = the date that the report is being generated
      • Previous Census Date = the last date that the report was submitted for the branch you are currently processing
        • If you do not know the date, go into the Clearinghouse system and click on the Core Tab, highlight the correct branch, select History of Transmissions Processed and submit.  You will see the list of previous transmissions with dates received by Clearinghouse
      • If this is the first of term, change the Reporting Period First Report to Yes, if it is not a first of term, enter No
      • Use Enrollment Dates should be set to Yes
      • FA Academic Year should be the current academic year in which you are reporting
      • All other fields should be left as is
      • Click Save and Update
  3. Go to SITX
    • Name/Addr Heirarchy should be SHU.HOME
    • Academic Levels should be UG and GR
    • Full-time Hours should be 12.00
    • Three-Quarter-Time Hours should be 9.00
    • Half-time Hours should be 6.00
    • In the Saved List Name field enter the savedlist you created for the branch
    • Save and Update and at the print screen enter an H in the Output Device and again enter H in the next print screen, then Save and Update
    • An error report will generate to the screen, if you detail in to the line with error, you will see errors such as "No credits attempted for the reporting period specified"
    • Cancel out of the result screen
    • An error report will show on the screen, you do not need to save or print the error report, you can click the X to exit the report
  4. Go to SITE
    • At the Proceed With The Verification Report prompt, enter Y and click Save and Update
    • At the Output Device, enter H and click Save and Update
    • The errors that generate at this point must be fixed on SITC before continuing, print the report if needed.
  5. Go to SITC to fix errors from the verification report generated on SITE
    • For Foreign address errors, state must = FO and then be sure to enter the country.  Zip should be blank
    • Fix any remaining errors and then exit out of SITC
  6. Go back to SITE and repeat, entering Y at the Proceed with the verificatio report prompt and click Save and Update
    • If all errors previously identified were corrected, no error report should generate
  7. Go to SIIR
    • Enter Y at the Export LR.STD.ENR prompt, then click Save and Update to generate a CSV file that you can use to review the data to check for any potential discrepancies or to confirm that the data looks correct, 
    • Click Save and Update again at the Additional Selection Criteria screen
    • Click Save and Update again at the Sort/Break Specification screen
    • Enter H in the Output Device field on the printer definition screen and click Save and Update
    • Click Save and Update when you get tot he Execute in Background Mode prompt
      • When the NSC Analytical Report pop up screen appears, click Download to download the NSC.csv file
      • The file will download in a separate browser window, you can click the download button in the top right and click the file in the Recent download history to open in Excel
      • Highlight the whole data set and then click Format -> Auto Fit Column Width so that the data all appears 
      • Save the file in the Registrar's Office share naming it accordingly, for example SIIR-Branch00-02062024 (date running the report at the end)
      • Review the file for any discrepancies in the data that may not have been picked up as an error in the processing for example if the student has a G status in any of the programs indicating they graduated, but are currently enrolled in a new program, the G status for the old program should have a status date that aligns with SHU's graduation dates (ie. 05/14/2023, 08/31/2023 or 12/31/2023)  If that date does not match either commencement or the August or December commencement dates there is a problem.
  8. Go to SITP
    • The Hold File Name will automatically be set to the appropriate branch, do not change this
    • Ensure that the Directory is _HOLD_
    • Save and Update and for each printer definition, enter H for the printer saving and updating each time
    • Export and save the report that is generated



Article ID: 8746
Fri 6/21/24 10:05 AM
Tue 6/25/24 1:36 PM