Difference Between AHST and ENCI Data in Colleague


After transactions are posted to the General Ledger, a user might expect to see the transactions on both AHST and ENCI immediately in the General Ledger area of Colleague. There are instances where they won't.


Difference Between AHST and ENCI Data

After transactions are posted to the General Ledger, a user might expect to see the transactions on both AHST and ENCI immediately in the General Ledger area of Colleague.  There are instances where they won't.

  • ENCI - Data appears as soon as it is posted
  • AHST - Transactions for future months will not appear on AHST until we get to the first date of that month.  The transactions are hidden from the form until then (by Ellucian design). 
    • Amounts will be displayed through the current calendar month on AHST (so if today's date is 05/22/2018, we'll see anything through 05/31/2018).  This means on 06/01/2018 we will see transactions posted through 06/30/2018 even though there are transactions dated in July, August, September, etc. 
    • For future fiscal years, all fields are blank even if transactions exist for them.  On 07/01/2018, we will see transactions through 07/31/2018 on AHST. On 08/01/2018, we will see transactions through 08/31/2018.



Article ID: 9138
Thu 6/27/24 3:05 PM
Fri 6/28/24 10:35 AM