​Troubleshooting Issues with SHUAwards (Net Partner)


This article lists the common issues students experience with SHU Awards and includes the steps on how to troubleshoot them.


Here are common issues students experience with SHU Awards:

1. Issue - Reset Student Pin

  • ​To reset their PIN needed to access SHU Awards, students should contact the Student Financial Assistance office - SFA Contact Info

2. Issue - Errors Encountered when Submitting Financial Aid Applications

  • Check to be sure that all fields are filled in, if there are fields that do not pertain the student should enter an NA or 0 before submitting.  
  • If this does not resolve the error, the student should be referred to the Student Financial Assistance Office for further help.​

3. Issue - Students Kicked by Browser

Advise the student to close their browser out completely.  A recent upgrade of the software updated some of the security settings related to active sessions.  

  • Access Net Partner Student > complete required tasks > Log out.
  • Close browser completely (If it's a tab in Chrome, completely close Chrome)
  • Open browser and log in once more. 



Article ID: 9141
Thu 6/27/24 3:30 PM
Fri 6/28/24 10:35 AM