How to Change your Qualtrics Password


After you login to Qualtrics for the first time, you can change the password to the password of your choice whenever you would like.


After you login to Qualtrics for the first time, you can change the password to the password of your choice whenever you would like.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Login to with the credentials provided.
  2. In the top right corner, select your initial.
  3. Select Account Settings.
  4. Enter the password provided in the old password field.
  5. Enter the password of your choice in the new password field.
  6. Enter the password of your choice again in the confirm password field.
  7. Select Change Password.



Article ID: 9219
Mon 7/1/24 2:59 PM
Mon 11/25/24 10:57 AM

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Qualtrics is an online survey and research platform that enables users to create, distribute, and analyze surveys, polls, and other types of research instruments.