How to Use the AI Design Assistant to Create a Rubric

Grading rubrics ensure both fairness and consistency in grading but creating them can take a lot of time. The AI Design Assistant creates rubrics by drawing insights from course context. Rubric generation is an option everywhere that you can create a rubric. You have several ways to customize rubrics that the AI Design Assistant generates. 

How to Auto-Generate a Rubric 

  1. Select Generate start 
  2. Enter a description (limited to 2,000 characters) to narrow the focus of the rubric 
  3. Select the rubric type: (Percentage, Percentage Range, Points, or Point Range
  4. Adjust the complexity of the rubric 
  5. Define the number of columns and rows 
  6. Select the arrow beside Advanced options to change the output language 
  7. Once you've finalized your settings, select Generate, if the rubric meets your needs, or select Continue to edit the rubric.

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Whether you're looking for guidance in organizing your course or want to streamline the process, the AI Design Assistant can help.