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How to Troubleshoot Online Registration Issues for Faculty.
The AI Design assistant auto-generates learning modules in a Blackboard Ultra course.
The AI Design assistant auto-generates rubrics in a Blackboard Ultra course.
Student Planning and Advising (SPA) by Ellucian is used to help advisors and students plan academic pathways, select appropriate courses, and provide advising support.
Announcements are used to share information with the roster of the class in a timely manner
The purpose of this article is to explain the steps needed to setup Course Section Billing Information on Colleague.
There are two Colleague screens that allow you to monitor course enrollments. RGAM - Registration Activity Monitor and SMIN - Section Meeting Inquiry. Both provide valuable information on the enrollment in course sections and should give you the total enrolled.
In Colleague, you have the ability to equate different course numbers together so that when a degree/program evaluation is run for the student, he/she will be credited as completing the appropriate courses towards his/her degree. Sometimes the evaluation does not pick up equated courses correct because they are not consistently coded on ACOI.
All course sections that a student is registered for should appear on the timeline/course plan/schedule. If the student does not see a course section, then it could be for one of these reasons listed in this article.
This utility can be used when you want to copy an existing course section and you don't want to recreate all the detail. This is useful when a section has a similar setup to an existing course section that has a lot of detail.
During registration, course sections fill up quickly and often go into waitlists. Waitlists are monitored and managed by each subject area's department. To manage your waitlists, there is a Reporting Services report you will want to run first. Then you can manage the waitlists within Colleague if you need to give someone permission to register.
Includes steps that need to be done to complete the process of importing course section records from Infosilem to Colleague.
The Zoom/Blackboard connection allows an instructor to manage class meetings and office hours from Blackboard.
Instructors may receive a message indicating that the Blackboard course is out of space when trying to upload new files to the course. This article describes how instructors can easily identify and remove unused files that are taking up space in the course to make that space available again.
Steps to take when adding a colleague to a course.