SPSS is a software package used for statistical analysis used to perform data manipulation, statistical tests, and generate reports. Data can be imported from various sources such as Excel, CSV files, and databases. SPSS offers a wide range of statistical procedures for analyzing data. This includes descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, variance, etc.), correlation analysis, regression analysis, t-tests, ANOVA, factor analysis, and more. SPSS allows users to transform and recode variables easily. This can include creating new variables, transforming existing variables, or generating summary statistics. Apart from basic statistical tests, SPSS supports more advanced analytics such as cluster analysis, decision trees, and logistic regression. For reporting, SPSS can generate customizable reports based on your analyses which include tables, charts, and statistical summaries.
How to Access
Who is eligible?
All users with an active Sacred Heart University account have the ability to install SPSS to their device. The University holds 100 concurrent licenses meaning all users can install, but only 100 users can be accessing the software at a time. Data usage reports shows this is enough licenses for users accessing the application.
Where and how do I access it?
Link to application installer: SPSS Windows | SPSS Mac
Steps to access the application vary based on operating system. Please use the appropriate knowledge base article linked to the right for installation instructions.