How to Send Messages in Blackboard Ultra

From anywhere in a course, you can access messages on the navigation bar to communicate with your students. The course messages page displays all the messages that are specific to the course you are in.  

Send a Message

  1. ​​Select the envelope icon. 
  2. In the top right corner, select the + button.
  3. In the Recipients bar, select the student(s) you would like to communicate with. 
  4. In the Message text box, write out your message Note: you can “Send an email copy to recipients” and/or “Allow replies to this message”.  

Send a Group Message

If you created groups in your course, you can send a message to that specific group of students.

  1. Access your course.
  2. Create the groups in your course if you haven't already. 
  3. On the left hand side under Details and Actions, select View Sets and Groups under Course Groups.
  4. Select the three dots across from the group set and select Edit.
  5. From the menu that appears, select Message Group.
  6. In the text box provided, compose your message.
  7. Select the check box if you would like to send the message via email.
  8. Select Send
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Messages can be enabled/disabled at the instructor level of a course.