How to Complete Advisement and Release an Advisor Registration Block in SPA

When a student submits a plan for advisor review, you will receive an email as well as seeing an indicator in the Review Requested column on your list of advisees in SPA.   Here are the steps you need to complete to release the advisor permission needed to register block.  Note you must complete all steps to release the block.

Steps to Complete Advisement and Release Registration Block

  1. In SPA, click on the View Details button next to the student record you are reviewing
  2. On the Course Plan tab, click the right arrow to go to the term for which you are reviewing the student’s planned courses
    1. Note that the term will typically default to the current term so if you are reviewing a plan for a future term, you will need to click the right arrow to get to the term for which you are doing the review.
  3. Review the list of courses on the student’s plan.  If you are ok with any or all the courses on the student’s plan, you will need to click the blank box to the left of the course which will add a check mark.   Then click the Approve button above which will put a thumbs up icon to the left of the course indicating you approved that course.  You can do the same for denying a course, by putting the check in the box and clicking Deny.
    1. Note that you cannot approve and deny courses at the same time, you will need to check the box(es) for all courses you approve and click Approve and then go back and check the box(es) for all courses you deny and click Deny (if any).
    2. Note that if you want to prevent a student from moving a course to another term you can check the box and click Protect.  This will prevent the student from moving the course to another term, but will not necessarily force the student to register for the course.
    3. Note that you do not necessarily need to approve all courses to lift the advisor block.  You must approve *at least* one course.
  4. Once you’ve reviewed and approved at least one course, click on the Notes tab.  Compose a note to the student and click Save Note so the student can see what you wrote.
    1. Note there is a Restricted Notes tab where you can enter notes that you do not want the student to view in SPA, however if requested, those notes would need to be provided in certain situations.
  5. Click the blue highlighted button that reads “Click thumbs up, enter notes & click here.” To complete your review.  You will be prompted with 2 messages, a green check mark that says “The review has been completed.”  and a blue prompt that reads “Would you like to archive this course plan?” to which you *must* click Archive.  This keeps a copy of your reviewed course plan with any notes/approvals/denials/protections.  Once you click Archive, you will see a green check message that says “An archive has been created.”
    1. Note the advisor block *will not* lift if the archive step is not completed.
  6. At this point advisement is completed.  It can take up to 30 minutes for the advisor block to be lifted for the student.  If, after 30 minutes, the advisor block still appears, review the advisement steps above to make sure that all steps have been completed.