Perform these necessary steps to successfully run the financial year end close process.
Business Office Preparation
One to Two Months Before
- Coordinate with IT in September to determine a day in October to schedule the year end close process to run on Colleague (after the Board of Trustees Audit Committee approves financials)
- Contact the Bursar, Registrar, Financial Aid, and Provost to confirm that the date selected won’t negatively impact their schedules/processes in place
- If it is a problem, work with these departments and determine a mutually agreeable day
- Close all purchase orders and blanket purchase orders
- On a quiet system, run PGLT and then run CLGA and GLRA to clear and rebuild GL memo fields
- Run the GLVA verification reports (Encumbrance in particular) and resolve any GL discrepancies reported so that there are no errors that would hinder the year end close process
- Any errors that remain in the report will result in EOB Transactions in the next fiscal year
2 Weeks Before
- Coordinate with appropriate IT staff member to send first email alert out 10 days in advance and a reminder on the day of to !Campuswide-Students and !Campuswide-Employees to notify them that Colleague Financials, ePayments, SHU eBuy, and any other system impacted by Colleague, will be down while the process is performed
- Request an IT Administrative Services director to engage Ellucian for extended off-hours support (there is a one-time fee for engagement; hourly fees if contacted)
1 Week Before
- Confirm that the IT department designated communication staff member sent out an email alert 10 days prior
- Confirm with Financial Accounting and Student Accounts to ensure that Jaggaer/SHU eBuy and CashNet will be taken offline for the specified time period - new step, coordinate with Admissions/take down SLATE store? or just overall stop DTL_Post extracts to integrate to Colleague?
- Confirm with Financial Accounting and AP, for Concur-iDataHub-Colleague integration, that GL account corrections are suspended, and AP should not approve Expense Reports in Concur from EOD 2 days prior to YEC
- Run (tbd) Fund-Units Missing Object Codes reports in the General Ledger reporting services folder (Admin IT to run adhoc until developed). If there are any fund-unit combinations that do not have object codes 3000 and 3001 attached to them in the fiscal year you are closing as well as the next fiscal year, follow information below to resolve.
- If there are any with N for ACCOUNT, CLOSE_YEAR_HIST and NEXT_YEAR_HIST, determine if those accounts are needed and if so, open the accounts using GLAA. The GLTB report should be run to verify if any transaction activity exists in the current FY on any GL Fund/Dept codes listed, in which case, add this Fiscal Year to fund-unit-3000 on GLMT.
- Next do the following:
- review the GLCD (GL Class Definition) and GLFD (GL Fund Balance Definition) screens to make sure the accounts will close as they expect
- confirm that all fiscal periods up to and including the 11th month have been closed (GLME)
- Prepare an email to send to ! regroup to let users know that the year-end process is complete; indicate they will now be able to see balance forwards reflected in the appropriate 12 and 21 accounts for the next fiscal year - hold aside for morning after YEC process.
- Run GLVA reports for the Fiscal Year you are closing to ensure there are no errors
- Coordinate with Administrative IT to confirm plan for back up the Colleague server on the day and time noted before the year end close process begins
- Request Admin IT post a global message on SPA to inform of upcoming downtime
4 Days Before
- Confirm that the IT department designated communication staff member sent out a reminder email alert 4 days prior
- Confirm with the Business Office that the audits have been approved so that the year end process can proceed
- After any final account status updates, request IT to create a Frozen accounts savedlist for use during the GLYE process.
1 Day Before
- Confirm all 3000 and 3001 fund-unit-object combinations identified from the above report were opened and linked
- Confirm global message on SPA updated to inform of upcoming downtime
- Confirm all sub-ledgers are in balance with General leger- run the following and if any produce transactions to post to the fiscal year to be closed, run PGLT: FA transmittals: FGLR / FGLP; Invoices: IGLP; deposits: DGLR / DGLP; Cash Receipts: CGLR / CGLP; Receipt Sessions: SGLR / SGLP
Performing the Fiscal Year End Close
Business office - Day Of: Run Final Processes and Reports
- Confirm that the IT department's designated communication staff member sent out a reminder email alert
- Confirm systems with integrations are taken offline (confirm SHU eBuy Cashnet SAO epayments is disabled, or determine if a recording is needed
- Check GPES and correct or delete any failed postings for the fiscal year being closed
- Run FSRP to make sure financial statements haven't changed
- Run PGLT one last time for all records - everything must be posted before the close can run
- Run GLTB to get one last Summary Trial Balance and Detail Trial Balance for the fiscal year being closed
Admin IT Team - Day Of: System Prep
- Log into Colleague with appropriate credentials having access to below listed mnemonic
- Prevent anyone from being able to log into Colleague
- Block-Unblock Users from Logging into Colleague
- Turn off DMI Listeners for Student Planning & Advising (SPA) only
- Do not turn off ?? NOTE: NEVER TURN OFF THE <environment>_DB_LISTENER, <environment>_DB_SELFSERVICE??-check with Debra
- Colleague - Starting and Stopping Listeners
- Request Business Office confirms users cannot access related systems
- Student Planning and Advising (SPA) should display redirect page with a maintenance message
- SHU eBuy - have a non-admin user test access (users with admin rights will still be able to log in)
- Force log off any financial users still logged into Colleague
- Colleague - Logoff a User
- Contact IT staff (NetsOps ) to start the backup of both servers and wait for notification that it is complete (plan for up to 1 hour)
- IF SPA users will be allowed back onto system for remaining steps, will need to turn on SPA Listener, and change the exception list to exclusion list, to ensure no financial transactions, This is based on query of security groups. Those with responsibility for the YEC process will remain in system.
- Confirm IT has Frozen account status Savedlist created in the step above (SLED)
- Confirm - when / how is Process Handler running set to disabled?
Business Office - Day Of: Colleague GLYE Pre-Close Verification
- Run PGLT (Post GL Transactions) one last time to make sure there are no transactions to be posted
- Run GLYE (GL Year-End Closing)
- Tip: if at any time you need to leave the GLYE process you need to CANCEL out of the process – DO NOT UPDATE out
- Tip: Send all reports to Report Browser (HOLD) and save them with an appropriate filename to a network share so the Business Office has them for future reference
- Tip: Each step should take less than 5 minutes unless otherwise noted
- Perform Pre-Verification Checklist
- Drill down, on the GLYV screen, enter Y in the View column for each entry in the top half of the screen one at a time, pressing enter
- enter Yes at Proceed with Report if prompted
- click Save and/or Update depending on which option is presented (Tip: only click 'SAVE' on GLYV , NOT 'SAVE ALL' per Ellucian, else you end up in a loop of verifications!)
- For the bottom of the screen, in the Status column type Y and then tab to the next field for all entries
- Press enter only after the last one
- Then click Update when prompted
- When you are brought back to the GLYE form, make sure it shows "Completed" in the box
- Perform the Pre-Processing steps
- On the GLYE (GL Year-End Closing) screen, enter Y at the "Prepare GL Accounts for Year-End Close"
- On the YPGL screen, at the Run Process prompt, enter Y and press Enter, then click Update (Note: As per FY YEC 2023 guidance,we are able to skip the creation of the Account status Saved Lists with the new YPGL form (certain frozen accounts are the exceptions); YPGL will create the savedlist necessary based off of our current GL Accounts and activity.: "Exception: 2024-10-18 09:40:46 EDT - Vanessa Jones (Additional comments): The new step Prepare GL account for year-end close (YPGL) form replaces the need to run GLAT and create a savedlist of Inactive accounts. Frozen accounts will still need to be updated to have an Open Status via GLMT/MACS as you will not be able to complete the Pre-Verification Checklist steps with the accounts showing as Frozen ")
- A report will show a note that the INACTIVE GL accounts have been selected and stored in a savedlist (ex. GLYE-2023). You will want to use this after the close is completed. You can close the window after saving the note.
- When you go back to the GLYE form, you will see that this step is now listed as Completed.
- NOTE: For next steps, enter Y under Execute for each step except for the "Closing Manual Entries (Not Required)"
- Enter Y under Execute for the "Encumbrance/Fund Balance Verification"
- On the YFBV (Fund Balance Verification) screen drill down into GL Account Sort Definition, make sure it is in the following order: Fund, Unit, Object, and click Save/Update
- Enter Y under View for the "Encumbrance/Fund Balance Verification"
- if there are errors it will take you to a screen to view the errors, review Ellucian Customer Support Portal Article #000044588 (GLYE: Help! YFBV Error Messages in Encumbrance/Fund Balance Verification)
- if there are no errors a dialog box will display "There are no problems to view"
- The status will change to Completed
- On the GLYE screen, enter Y under Execute for the "Closing Automatic Entries"
- On the GLYA (Automatic Closing Entries) screen, enter Y under Execute for each step one at a time
- On the YCAE (Year-End Closing Entries) screen, enter Y for Proceed with Automatic Closing Entries and click Save/Update
- On the GLYA (Automatic Closing Entries) screen, enter Y under the View column
- On the YEJA (Year End Auto Journal Entries) screen, enter Y for Proceed with Report, click Update
- For Output Device, enter H (Hold) and click Save/Update
- On the GLYA screen, enter Y under Execute for the "Report Closing Automatic Entries"
- On the GCER (Year-End Closing Entries Report) screen,
- Confirm the "Arrange Summary Report by" setting by drilling down
- Then click Save/Update
- Then enter Yes for Proceed with Report and click Save/Update
- Status will now changed to defined in "Arrange Summary Report by"
- For Output Device, enter H (Hold) and click Save/Update
- On the GLYA (Automatic Closing Entries) screen, enter Y under the View column
- Click OK at the "There are no un-reported entries to view." prompt
- The status will change to Printed
- On the GLYA (Automatic Closing Entries) screen, enter Y under Execute for the "Post Closing Automatic Entries"
- On the PYET (Post Year-End Transactions) screen, enter Y for Post Closing Entries and click Save/Update
- For Output Device, enter H (Hold) and click Save/Update
- On the GLYA (Automatic Closing Entries) screen, enter Y under the View column
- Click OK at the "There are no un-posted entries to view" prompt
- The status will change to Posted
- At the bottom of the screen, enter Y for "Print Preliminary General Ledger Trial Balance"
- On the YSTB (YE GL Summary Trial Balance) screen
- Detail down on the GL Account Sort Definition to confirm the values are correct
- Click Save/Update
- For Output Device, enter H (Hold) and click Save/Update
- Click Save/Update
- Export the report to PDF
- Click Save/Update to go back to GLYE main form
- The status will now show as Completed for Closing Automatic Entries
- On the GLYE (GL Year-End Closing) screen, enter Y under Execute for "Closing Balance Verification"
- On the YCBV (Closing Balance Verification) screen
- Confirm the GL Account Sort Definition and click Save/Update
- Click Save/Update
- On the GLYE (GL Year-End Closing) screen, enter Y under View
- Click OK on the "There are no problems to view." prompt
- The status will now show as Completed for Closing Balance Verification
- On the GLYE (GL Year-End Closing) screen, enter Y under Execute for "Summary General Ledger Trial Balance (Req)"
- On the YSTB (YE GL Summary Trial Balance) screen, confirm the GL Account Sort Definition by drilling down and then click Save/Update/Update
- For Output Device, enter H (Hold) and click Save/Update
- The status will now show as Printed for Summary General Ledger Trial Balance
Business Office - Perform Final GLYE Processing to Close Prior FY
- On the GLYE (GL Year-End Closing) screen, enter Y under Execute for "Close General Ledger Accounts"
- On the YEC (Year-End Closing Status) screen, confirm the GL Account Sort Definition and click Save/Update/Update
- On the GLYE (GL Year-End Closing) screen, enter Y under Execute for "Create Opening Balances"
- On the YEFP (Year-End Opening Balance) screen, confirm the GL Account Sort Definition and click Save/Update/Update
- Click Ok at the "After running PGLT, use the saved list GLYE-2022 in the GLAT form to inactivate the GL accounts that were activated for Year-End close." prompt, this click Update
- this takes about 25 minutes
- Run PGLT to post the opening entries waiting to be applied to accounts
Business Office - After GLYE Processing
1. Have staff test a few screens testing a few screens
- Confirm they can view items on some of the GL screens (AHST)
- Confirm that GLME shows that you can close month 1 (July)
- Run GLTB and confirm opening balances look correct
2. In MACS, return Frozen accounts that were opened in the select account list back to status F in step 5.1.1 above
3. Unblock users in UT-UIEC per instructions here: Block-Unblock Users from Logging into Colleague (
4. Turn on Listeners, restart Process Handler
5. Re-start Cashnet DTL_POST for integratiing transactions; bring SLATE store back up if access disabled.
Send out a follow-up alert to the appropriate departments (internal Finance/IT only?) that the process has been completed and all related systems can now be made available
Admin IT - After Final Processing FRX - Synoptix Steps
1. Go to EDRC, enter CF.PARMS, modify FRX.PARMS confirm Line 8 status is reflecting HISTORY for the year just closed, else make the change to from CURRENT to HISTORY
2. Log in with user credentials who scheduled the ESOB and FRXE processes to run in MYPR
- Go to MYPR
- Delete the ESOB and FRXE jobs currently scheduled
- At the "Deleted" message, click Whole Group
- Save/Update
3. Run FRXE
- For the Data Mart Lookup enter COLLIVE
- Enter Y in the Load column for the current fiscal year and newly closed fiscal year and click Save/Update
- Click Save/Update
- You should get a message that says "Closed fiscal year found in FDM's current tables moving to history tables", click OK
- At the FRXH (Move to History Table) screen, confirm the fiscal year closed appears in the details of the screen and click Save
- This process may take around 1 hour
4. Run FRXE again
- Enter Y in the Load column only for the current fiscal year and click Save/Update
- On The FRXE screen enter Y for "Execute in Background mode?" and for "Background Execution Type" select E Envision Process Handler
- On the bottom of the screen enter the information related to when the process should be run:
- Run Next on the following day at 01:00am, Run Every 1 Day, Weekdays Only - N
- Remove date to Stop Automatically Scheduling Process on (want it to run nightly)
- Click Save/Update
5. Go to MYPR and confirm that the process has been scheduled
6. (Only necessary if FRX move to history processing above does not appear to have run correctly) : In order for Synoptix to report properly (not report duplicate records) prior year transactions need to be removed from several tables in the datamart. Review this Knowledge in Five video from from Ellucian article#000030484 on this subject:. Refer to this wiki Synoptix Compusoft Database - Maintenance of History Tables Following Year End Close (
Business Office and IT - Done for today, time to celebrate!
Business Office - After IT Performs FRX - Synoptix Steps
- Confirm that FRXE ran properly
- Verify the Synoptix reports are correct
- Submit a Admin IT Request Form, application"Reporting Services", to remove the message from the Budget Inquiry Report regarding balances rolling forward
- Send the prepared e-mail to ! to let them know that the year-end process is complete and they will now be able to see balance forwards reflected in the appropriate 12 and 21 accounts for the next fiscal year
- Run GLVA for the new year, check on the status to make sure nothing is out of balance; continue to run on a monthly basis
- If anything is out of balance, then work with Ellucian support documents to resolve those discrepancies
- If any encumbrance balances rolled forward, they should be reversed with a GLIM file (the transaction description begins with EOB...)
- Any need to re-run FRXE - Make request to Admin IT
Admin IT - Next Day
1. Request new test clone
History of Year End Close Dates
- 2024 - October 20, 2024
- 2023 - October 29, 2023
- 2022 - October 26, 2022
- 2021 - October 27, 2021
- 2020 - October 27, 2020
- 2019 - October 24, 2019
- 2018 - October 19, 2018
LAST Updates:
Liz pre FY24 YEC schedule updates, clarification on MACS for Frozen accounts from Ellucian 10/2024
Liz:/Debbie/Anet, post FY23 YEC process updts
Debbie, 10/29/2023 - documentation of extra steps
Liz, 10/2023 pre YEC with Ellucian updates, Business Process steps, IT process updates,