ERP solution for Student and Financials.

Articles (88)

​​​​​​How Do I Request Access to Colleague?

If access is needed to student or finance data in Colleague, follow these steps in the article in order to request new access or update existing access for Colleague.

Class Standing Does Not Upd​ate

We have occasion where a student's class standing does not update during the regularly scheduled run of CLUP (Class Standing Update) in the Process Handler.

Colleague General Information

ERP solution for Student and Financials.

Concurrent Enrollment and Billing Multiple AR Types in Colleague

This will allow for a student with two different active programs to be billed appropriately as long as one program type is billing by course section and the other by billing table.

Difference Between AHST and ENCI Data in Colleague

After transactions are posted to the General Ledger, a user might expect to see the transactions on both AHST and ENCI immediately in the General Ledger area of Colleague. There are instances where they won't.

How the Business Office Opens a Fiscal Year in Colleague

How the business office opens a fiscal year.

How To ​Batch Add Restrictions (PERC)

There are times when a group of records needs to have a restriction added. This can be done in Colleague by users who have access to the ACDR screen using a Savedlist of records with the PERSON ID (7 digit number including leading zeroes).

How to ​Make a Faculty Member an Advisor in Colleague

Article gives step to make a faculty member an advisor in Colleague.

How to Access the Ellucian Customer Center

The Ellucian Customer Center is the most efficient way to get information about Colleague, SPA (Student Planning & Advising), create cases, and other relation issues.

How to Add a New Printer to Colleague

To add a printer to the available printer in Colleague one me perform 2 distinct tasks in this article. This article also contains information on HP printer font settings for Colleague printers.

How to Add an Alternate ID in Colleague

Steps on how to add an Alternate ID in Colleague.

How to Add and Update Email Addresses in Colleague

How to Add and Update Email Addresses.

How to Add and Update Names in Colleague

How to Add and Update Names.

How to Add or Update Phone Numbers in Colleague

How to Add or Update Phone Numbers.

How to Add Student Remarks in Colleague

How to Add Student Remarks.

How to Add, Update, End Memberships in Colleague

How to Add, Update, End Memberships.

How to Add/Update CIP Codes in Colleague

This article shows the steps to add a CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) Code to be used with academic programs on PROG or major codes on MAJR.

How to Adjust the Degree Date in Colleague

How to adjust the degree date.

How to Assign Registration Priorities in Colleague

How to assign registration priorities.

How to Batch Update a Data Field in Colleague

Do you need us to bulk update one specific data field for many records in Colleague? If you need a value updated into one field and the number of records that need to be updated is greater than 50, we may be able to help! We will need a minimum of 2 weeks advanced notice of your timeline so we can plan out and test.

How to Batch Update Academic Standings in Colleague

When you need to batch update academic standings, follow these steps. The same process is used for Dean's List and all other standing codes but you will not need to change anything on ALST for the Dean's List processing.

How to Batch Update Student Programs in Colleague

How to batch update student programs.

How to Batch Verify Final Grades in Colleague

How batch verifying final grades.

How to Change Status of Incoming Student Residency in Colleague

Incoming freshmen applicants may change Residency status due to the decision to become a commuter, withdraw from SHU, or defer to a future term. Information is needed regarding incoming transfer applicants.

How to Change the Academic Program to All Online in Colleague

You are notified that a program that used to be completely on-ground or hybrid will now be exclusively taught and completed online. There is more to do than just changing the academic program record to All Online. This article outlines the steps to update Colleague completely.

How to Check if a Student can Register Without Approval or Requisites in Colleague

If you are questioning a student who registered for a course section that has prerequisites, corequisites, restrictions or petition required, check the following in this article.

How to Check if Financial Aid Awards Do Not Post to Student Receivable in Colleague

Financial Aid awards are imported from PowerFAIDS to Colleague daily. There is a process in the Accounts Receivable module of Colleague that needs to be run manually to select awards to post to student receivables.

How to Check Login Issues in Colleague

How to Check Login Issues.

How to Clean Up Advisor-Advisee Relationships in Colleague

As we are starting to get a little closer to the time when advisement in a semester will occur, I wanted to remind you of 2 reports that you should review on Reporting Services (Report Manager) and do data clean up as a result in Colleague to help faculty advisors with what they see.

How to Close Purchase Orders and Blanket Purchase Orders

Provides instructions on how to close blanket purchase orders as well as purchase orders in Colleague.

How to Code Cohorts in Colleague

Guidelines for adding or updating a cohort for a full-time undergraduate students.

How to Code Program Directors​ in Colleague

Includes the required steps to code the current academic program directors in Colleague.

How to Complete Online Registration Checklist for Registrar in Colleague

How to Complete Online Registration Checklist for Registrar.

How to Copy Course Sections in SCOP in Colleague

This utility can be used when you want to copy an existing course section and you don't want to recreate all the detail. This is useful when a section has a similar setup to an existing course section that has a lot of detail.

How to Create a New Academic Program on PROG in Colleague

How to Create a New Academic Program on PROG

How to Create a Savedlist Using SLED and SLCR in Colleague

How to create a savedlist using SLED and SLCR.

How to Create and Copy New Catalog Year in Colleague

How to create and copy new catalog year.

How to Create and Maintain Favorites List of Mnemonics in Colleague

How to Create and Maintain Favorites List of Mnemonics.

How to Create Cashier Batch Import ELF File in Colleague

How to create cashier batch import ELF file.

How to Create Files to be Used with the GLIM Process in Colleague

How to create files to be used with the GLIM process.

How to Decease (and Un-decease) a Person's Record in Colleague

How to Decease (and Un-decease) a Person's Record.

How to Defer Applicants to a New Term in Colleague

Steps to defer applicants to a new term.

How to Equate Course Numbers with Other Course Numbers in Colleague

In Colleague, you have the ability to equate different course numbers together so that when a degree/program evaluation is run for the student, he/she will be credited as completing the appropriate courses towards his/her degree. Sometimes the evaluation does not pick up equated courses correct because they are not consistently coded on ACOI.

How to Export General Ledger Data to Synoptix​

The Financial Reporting Export provides a normalized “snapshot” of Colleague General Ledger data to facilitate reporting and analysis. The FRXE process provides export of general ledger activity from Colleague, which gets imported into Synoptix.

How to Fix Colleague Report or Process Appears Hung and/or Does Not Display Results on Screen as Expected

How to Fix Colleague Report or Process Appears Hung and/or Does Not Display Results on Screen as Expected.

How to Fix Courses Showing as IN PROG on Transcript that Should Not

If a course is showing as IN PROG on a transcript in a term that the student is not currently registered there are a few things that need to be checked and fixed. This will typically only happen when a student has been transcripted for a course that they are later approved to be removed from the course.

This article also shows how to reactivate a student program or how to remove the active status of a student program if needed.

How to Fix Reports Not Appearing in Report Browser Window in Colleague

How to Fix Reports Not Appearing in Report Browser Window.

How to Grant SPA Users Secure Proxy Access in Colleague

Provides the ability to allow SPA users to grant secure proxy access to other users for select SPA pages and workflows. Users can designate one or more persons or employees as a proxy and can grant each proxy permission to view and act on information, ex: provide parents access to grades.

How to Identify Students Registered for Courses in the Requisite Mismatch Report in Colleague

If you need to identify students who are registered for courses but do not have the proper pre or co-requisites, you can run the Requisite Mismatch Report in Colleague. Note this must be run in Colleague, it is not a Reporting Services report.

How to Import Financial Aid Data to Colleague

An import process exists to write finance aid data into Colleague's data structure so Financial Assistance does not have to manually enter the data. There is an automated process with a run time every 8 hours (6:33, 14:33, 20:33) to select award records from the Financial Aid application that are not on Colleague.

How to Import Infosilem Course Section Data

Includes steps that need to be done to complete the process of importing course section records from Infosilem to Colleague.

How to Link Advisors and Advisees in Colleague

Steps to link advisors and advisees in Colleague.

How to Login and Logout in Colleague

Steps to login and logout of colleague.

How to Look Up a Student GPA in Colleague

How to Look Up a Student GPA.

How to Maintain Graduation Application Parameters in Colleague

How to Maintain Graduation Application Parameters.

How to Maintain Report Years and Terms in Colleague

Hot to Maintain Report Years and Terms.

How to Maintain Student Academic Program in Colleague

How to Maintain Student Academic Program.

How to Manage Grade Changes in Colleague

How to Manage Grade Changes.

How to Manage Student Types in Colleague

When student types need to be added or updated in Colleague, you can manually change it per student or do it via a batch update.

How to Manage Subjects in Colleague

Follow the steps for how to inactivate, add, update, and update subjects in Colleague.

How to Manage Volunteers in Colleague

How to Manage Volunteers.

How to Manage Waitlisted Course Sections in Colleague

During registration, course sections fill up quickly and often go into waitlists. Waitlists are monitored and managed by each subject area's department. To manage your waitlists, there is a Reporting Services report you will want to run first. Then you can manage the waitlists within Colleague if you need to give someone permission to register.

How to Manually Add a PERC​ (Person Restrictions) in Colleague

How to manually add a PERC​ (Person Restrictions).

How to Manually End a PERC (Person Restrictions) in Colleague

Students who have blocks/restrictions on their accounts in Colleague can have them ended by people authorized to do so. If you have access to end a restriction (PERC).

How to Mark a Person, Institution, or Vendor Record as a Duplicate in Colleague

Occasionally, a duplicate record is created in Colleague for the same person, institution, or vendor. When it is identified, all departments that have data on either record need to agree as to which record will be used ("good") while the other gets flagged as a duplicate ("bad").

How to Monitor Course Enrollments using RGAM and SMIN in Colleague

There are two Colleague screens that allow you to monitor course enrollments. RGAM - Registration Activity Monitor and SMIN - Section Meeting Inquiry. Both provide valuable information on the enrollment in course sections and should give you the total enrolled.

How to Move an Application for Duplicate Records to the Correct Record in Colleague and Slate

Occasionally, when a Slate contact record and its corresponding applications are submitted to Colleague, the system generates a new Colleague ID for the individual instead of updating the existing record. When this happens, you have to mark the new record as a duplicate in Colleague, cancel the associated applications, and update the original record accordingly.

How to Override Billing for Housing in Colleague

There are situations when a billing rate for housing needs to be overridden, ex: RHD assignment, a special program providing discounted or free housing. The article shows the steps top add or remove the override.

How to Print a Report from Colleague

There are cases when users would like to print reports to their local network printer.

How to Remove a Grade Already Transcripted in Colleague

If there is ever a case where a student was incorrectly registered for a course or needs to be removed from a course after it's already been graded as if it had been dropped, the following steps need to be completed.

How to Remove Transfer Credits/Equivalency in Colleague

Includes steps on how to remove transfer credit equivalency if entered incorrectly in Colleague.

How To Request a New Student Type/Academic Program in Colleague

How To Request a New Student Type/Academic Program.

How to Request a User Log Off in Colleague

​There are times when a user's Colleague session must be ended. This task is also referred to as unblocking, ending, or terminating a user session. This article provides the steps for requesting to log off a user.

How to Request GL Codes in Colleague

When a new GL code is needed for Colleague, send a request with the following information contained in the article.

How to Resolve Billing Issues in Colleague

If a student is billed for the incorrect number of credits, as determined through discussion between the Registrar and Bursar (Student Accounts), then the Bursar may be instructed to adjust the number of billing credits on the RGBS (Registration Billing Summary). SCBO (Section Billing Override) screen. See example below to illustrate this problem.

How to Resolve Issues on the GLVA Encumbrance Verification Report in Colleague

Provides Business Office guidance on how to prepare for the Year End Close.

How to Run Batch Grade Change in Colleague

When you want to batch change grades, most commonly Incomplete or Incomplete Extension to Failing follow the instructions below based on the scenario you wish to change.

How to Set Up a New Billing Table for Housing in Colleague

This article contains the following steps that are needed for adding a new billing table for housing in Colleague.

How To Setup ESL Course Section Billing Information in Colleague

The purpose of this article is to explain the steps needed to setup Course Section Billing Information on Colleague.

How to Sync SACP - IASU Graduation Mismatch Scenario 1 in Colleague

There are times when we see that the academic program on SACP with a graduation status of G is not what the student was coded as graduating with​ on IASU. Several instances occur ... one where it appears to be a data conversion issue ... other when it wasn't updated completely. Step through the following corrective steps (provided by Ellucian) to get both forms back in sync.

How to Troubleshoot the Batch Grade Change Update Process (BGCU) in Colleague

How to Troubleshoot the Batch Grade Change Update Process (BGCU).`

How to Update Applications in Colleague

There are times when Slate and Colleague are out of sync and manual updates must be performed. Several reports show mismatched data.

How to Update De​partment Chairs in Faculty Table

Department Chairs change annually and need to be updated manually into Colleague's FCTY form. If you have a chair that needs to be changed log into Colleague and remove the code from the former department chair and add to the new department chair.

How to Update Incorrect Student Registration Status in Colleague

If you find that a student is registered for classes but has an overall registration status of X -or- some other type of mismatch is status and actual records you can go and update the status to the correct one.

How to Use Hot Keys in Colleague

Steps to clear out values in Colleague if backspace and delete keys do not work.

Password Policy for Colleague

Password Policy for Colleague

Student Records Release (FERPA) in Colleague for Staff/Faculty/Advisors

Student Records Release is the Colleague and SPA module that allows students to designate people who can speak with the university staff – aka FERPA release. This replaces the previous MS Form Request process.