​​​​​​​Colleague User, Misc, and Special Fields That Are In ​​Use

The following is a list of user fields in Colleague tables and what they are being used for.

​Table Field​ Purpose​ ​Data Warehouse Field Name
ACAD_PROGRAMS​​ ​ACPG_USER1 ​Identify what type of approval we received for the program to run at SHU (used for IPEDS reporting): Accredited, Teacher Preparation, Licensed, O = Offered, or <NULL> = Not Approved
​ACAD_PROGRAMS ​ACPG_USER2 ​Identify whether or not a student can complete this program entirely online (values should be AOL for All Online, B for All Online or All On Ground, or OG for On Ground)
​ACAD_PROGRAMS ​ACPG_USER3 ​Contains the State of CT Office of Higher Education Code (OHE #)
​APPLICANTS ​APP_USER1 ​<some records have data but we don't know what it is for!>
​APPLICANTS ​APP_USER2 ​Contains the ISO-2 code for the applicant's resident country if outside of US. Used to bring over the resident country value from Slate in the Slate to Colleague integration. There was no mapping to the actual resident country field so we are using this as a place to map it to and then have a stored procedure that updates it to the correct place in the PERSON table.
​APPLICANTS ​APP_USER3 ​<some records have data but we don't know what it is for!>
​APPLICANTS ​APP_USER4 ​<some records have data but we don't know what it is for!>
​APPLICANTS ​APP_USER5 ​<some records have data but we don't know what it is for!>
​APPLICANTS ​APP_USER6 ​<some records have data but we don't know what it is for!>
​APPLICANTS ​APP_USER7 ​<some records have data but we don't know what it is for!>
​APPLICANTS ​APP_USER8 ​<some records have data but we don't know what it is for!>
​APPLICANTS ​APP_USER9 ​<some records have data but we don't know what it is for!>
​APPLICANTS ​APP_USER10 <some records have data but we don't know what it is for!>
​APPLICATION_STATUSES ​APPS_USER1 ​​Contains Y if the status code identifies an application as active. Previously the app stat codes were hard coded in DW logic. Using the APPS_USER1 field allows the DW to freely look to this field to know.
AR_PAYMENTS​ ​ARP_USER5 ​Contains Y if Ellucian has helped us determine that this is a corrupted transaction that should not be used for Reporting in DW (it does not show on any Colleague screens, calculations or canned vendor reports)
​AWARDS ​AW_USER1 ​​Contains Y if University Advancement can have access to data on this award code in Reporting Services
​CAMPUS_ORGS ​CMP_USER2 ​Contains the GIVEPULSE organization ID number for this campus organization (they could not use our Colleague org code so this is used for mapping)
​CHECKS ​CHK_MESSAGE ​Contains a message starting with the word EXPORTED if a special stored procedure imports this check to another system instead of printing a check
CLASSES​ ​CLS_USER1 ​Contains Y if we use this class code
​CLASSES ​CLS_USER2 ​Contains the Academic Level this class code is associated with. If no value, then it can be used with any academic level.
​COUNTRIES ​CTRY_USER1 ​Contains Y if the country is a member of the European Union.
​COURSES ​CRS_USER13 ​​Contains the special Blackboard template code that is used by the BBSnapshot interface to separate courses by the template they need to use in Blackboard. No value means they use the generic default.
COURSE_SECTIONS​ ​SEC_USER10 ​Contains the internal format for the date that a roster verification was completed on this course section in Web Advisor.
COURSE_SECTIONS​ ​SEC_USER16 ​Contains the name of the professor that completed a roster verification on this course section in Web Advisor.
​DEPTS DEPTS_USER1​ ​Contains the GIVEPULSE organization ID number for this department (they could not use our Colleague org code so this is used for mapping)
GL_ACCTS​​​ ​GL_MISC1 ​Stores RESEARCH flag ​(RSRCH) for Business Office reporting purposes and query selections only; uses val code S03.GL.MISC1
GL_ACCTS​​​ ​GL_MISC2 ​Stores Vice Presidential code of the VP with authority over this account number which gets used for reporting purposes and query selections - some codes are sub-areas under a VP; uses val code S03.GL.MISC2
GL_ACCTS​ ​GL_MISC3 Stores the Net Asset Classification code for 21 accounts, used for reporting purposes and query selections; uses val code S03.GL.MISC3
​GL_ACCTS ​GL_MISC4 ​Stores the values ROR (Right of Return) or NROR (Non Right of Return), for Business Office purposes; this code triggers a selection of accounts for year-end entries needed for audit purposes; uses val code S03.GL.MISC4
​GL_ACCTS ​GL_MISC5 ​Stores the 7 digit ID number of the grant's primary investigator (PI)
​GRADES ​GRD_USER1 ​Stores whether the grade should be considered for a midterm grade warning (MTW) or academic warning (AW)
​GRADES ​GRD_USER2 ​Stores a Y to indicate ?
ITEMS​ ​ITM_USER1 ​Contains the Item ID from JAGGAER
​ITEMS ​ITM_USER2 ​Contains the PO line number from JAGGAER ​​
ITEMS​ ​ITM_USER3 ​Contains the Voucher number from JAGGAER; in the case of a credit voucher coming over from JAGGAER it would contain the Voucher # that JAGGAER wanted to create (instead we write to an open voucher and tag it with this number here)
LOCATIONS​​ ​LOC_USER1 ​This field stores "Y" if the course section records should be exported to Timetabler.
LOCATIONS​ ​LOC_USER2 ​This field groups location codes to a main campus code. Users are restricted to only use values in the S03.LOCATIONS.USER2 field.
MAJORS​ ​MAJ_USER1 ​This field is used to determine what academic level the major can be used in
MAJORS​ ​MAJ_USER2 ​7 digit ID number of the administrative assistant responsible for assigning advisor-advisee relationships in Colleague for each major
MAJORS​ ​MAJ_USER3 ​This field is used to store the default Math Placement course for incoming Freshman to be enrolled in. It is used by Infosilem Web App and Infosilem for scheduling. All UG majors must have a value.
MINORS​ ​MINORS_USER1 ​This field stores "Y" if the minor is active - "N" or <NULL> otherwise
​MINORS ​MINORS_USER2 ​This field stores the college/school that the minor is affiliated with
​PERSON_AR ​PAR_USER1 ​This field stores the add/drop end date for students where this end date falls later than the traditional FT add/drop end date, to delay someone getting SAA PERC on their account. NOTE 10/14/2024: This is being retired.
PERSON_AR_LS​ ​PAR_MISC1 ​Stores the Collection Agency being used by Student Accounts for the person
PERSON_AR_LS​ ​PAR_MISC2 ​Stores the term the person was turned over to the Collection Agency in PAR_MISC1
PERSON_AR_LS​ ​PAR_MISC3 ​Stores the value of the Guaranteed Payment or the Company paying the tuition (Values for this field can only be chose from the validation code table AR.MISC3)
PERSON_AR_LS​​ ​PAR_MISC4 ​Stores the term that the Guaranteed Payment or Company has been defined for
PERSON_AR_LS​​ ​PAR_MISC5 ​Indicates whether or not the student is on a payment plan (if there is a value then the student is on a payment plan)
​PERSON_USER ​PERSON_USER_USER1 ​To store the Ceridian Clock number of an employee
​PERSON_USER ​PERSON_USER_USER5 ​To store the date that we sent a student to BankMobile (HigherOne)​ for the first time
PERSON_USER​ ​PERSON_USER_USER6 ​To store the Ceridian eBaseID value of an employee
​PERSON_USER ​PERSON_USER_USER7 ​​Note users who are restricted from using department funds for printing/copying, enter Y to restrict printing
PERSON_USER​ ​PERSON_USER_USER10 ​To store the date that this person participated in and completed Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training - BLANK
​PERSON_USER PERSON_USER_USER21 ​To store the emergency notification number of a person. Information is collected from AMS.
PERSON_USER_LS​ ​PERSON_USER_USER4 ​This field stores the parking permit number for a person. If the person is staff or faculty, then it will contact the permit number only. If the person is a student, the coding is as follows: <permit number>/<permit code><2 digit fiscal year>. A person can have more than one permit number coded on their record.
PERSON_USER_LS​ PERSON_USER_USER12 ​This field stores the license plate number and state for a person. It is coded as follows: <license plate number>/<license plate state code>. For example: 123ABC/CT. A person can have more than one license plate number on their record.
​ROOM_ASSIGNMENT ​RMAS_USER1 ​This field stores the key to the Housing Director Room Assignment record that maps to this Colleague Housing Assignment record up to 22/SP. The StarRez Colleague API stores this value in the RMAS_EXTERNAL_ID field in the RMAS_EXTERNAL_ID table.
ROOMS_LS​ ​ROOMS_MISC1 ​This field stores the resident hall grouping for any rooms defined as a parking lot. If the room is not a parking lot, the field should be left blank.
​SCHOOLS ​SCHOOLS_USER1 ​This field stores an "I" if the code is inactive. Otherwise it is left blank.
​SCHOOLS ​SCHOOLS_USER2 ​This field stores the acronym of this college that will be used in reporting. This may or may not match the SCHOOLS_ID value. Acronym is communicated to us by the AVP Office.
​SESSION_CYCLES ​SC_USER1 ​This field contains Y if the session cycle includes any term within the Fall Reporting Term (excluding module terms).
​SESSION_CYCLES ​SC_USER2 ​This field contains Y if the session cycle includes any term within the Winter Reporting Term (excluding module terms).
​SESSION_CYCLES ​SC_USER3 ​This field contains Y if the session cycle includes any term within the Spring Reporting Term (excluding module terms).
​SESSION_CYCLES ​SC_USER4 ​This field contains Y if the session cycle includes any term within the Late Spring/Summer 1 Reporting Term (excluding module terms).
​SESSION_CYCLES ​SC_USER5 ​This field contains Y if the session cycle includes any term within the Summer 2 Reporting Term (excluding module terms).
​SESSION_CYCLES ​SC_USER6 ​This field contains Y if the session cycle includes any odd-numbered module terms.
​SESSION_CYCLES ​SC_USER7 ​This field contains Y if the session cycle includes any even-numbered module terms.
​SPECIALIZATIONS ​SPEC_USER1 ​Status (Active/Inactive)
​SPECIALIZATIONS ​SPEC_USER2 ​Include on the transcript (UG, GR, BOTH, NONE)
​SPECIALIZATIONS ​SPEC_USER3 ​College for the program (AS, ED, BU, NU, HP)
​SPECIALIZATIONS ​SPEC_USER4 ​PowerFAIDs code for interface (limited to four characters)
​SPECIALIZATIONS ​SPEC_USER5 ​Standard Requirement (requirements associated with the specialization)
​STUDENTS ​STU_USER11 ​This field stores a Y/NULL flag to indicate if the student should be charged the Welch Experience Fee. Sophomore, Junior, Senior, and PG UG students whose major falls under the COB (with the exception of the School of Computing unless they have a second major in the COB) will be flagged Y.
​STUDENTS ​STU_USER12 ​​This field stores a Y/NULL flag to indicate if the student should be charged the Welch Experience Fee. Sophomore, Junior, Senior, and PG UG students whose major falls under the COB (with the exception of Junior, Senior, and PG School of Computing students unless they have a second major in the COB) will be flagged Y. This went into effect Fall 2020 (FY21).
​STUDENTS ​STU_USER13 ​​This field stores a Y/N flag to indicate if the student is registered for the reporting term 21/SP and a matriculated student ...
​STUDENTS_LS ​STU_MISC1 ​​Contains a term that the student has been approved to take all courses online during a pandemic, can contain multiple values
​STUDENTS_LS ​STU_MISC4 ​Contains fall and spring transfer cohort year for undergraduate students formatted as YYYYT, where YYYY is the 4 digit reporting year and T is F (for Fall) or S (for Spring)
​STUDENTS_LS ​STU_MISC5 ​​Contains Class Of value for full-time undergraduate students (4 digit year)
​STUDENTS_LS ​STU_MISC9 ​Contains spring freshmen cohort year for undergraduate students (4 digit year)
​STUDENTS_LS ​STU_MISC10 ​Contains fall freshman cohort year for undergraduate students (4 digit year)
STUDENT_TYPES​ ​STT_USER1 ​This field stores the ACADEMIC LEVEL code associated with this student type. If it is blank, then the student type can be used across all academic levels.
​STUDENT_TYPES ​STT_USER2 ​This field stores "FT" or "PT" to indicate whether this student type is viewed as Full Time (FT - flat rate) or Part Time (PT - per credit).
​STUDENT_TYPES ​STT_USER3 ​This field stores Y if it is an active student type - or - N if it is inactive.
​STUDENT_TYPES ​​STT_USER4 ​This field stores a billing population code, such as "Pop1", "Pop2". The code is used to create a list of unique student section IDs for the BILL process, which facilitates billing populations separately with different bill due ​dates.
​STUDENT_TYPES ​STT_USER5 ​This field stores the PowerFAIDS equivalent value of the student type if they cannot use the value being used on Colleague.
STUDENT_TYPES​ ​STT_USER6 ​This field stores the SCHOOL (college) code that this student type is associated with. If it is not restricted to one college, then the field is left blank.
STUDENT_TYPES​ ​STT_USER7 ​This field stores the general MAJOR code that this student type should be associated with, if it can be. Otherwise it is left blank.
STUDENT_TYPES​ ​STT_USER8 ​This field stores a Colleague LOCATION code that should be tied to the NECHE (formerly NEASC) Location of a student type.
​STUDENT_TYPES ​STT_USER9 ​This field stores Y if the student type code is affiliated with a Study Abroad program - otherwise N.
STUDENT_TYPES​ ​STT_USER10 ​This fields stores Y if the student type code requires an admissions deposit for Graduate Admissions. Inactivated
​SUBJECTS ​SUBJ_USER1 ​This field stores the department that the subject is primarily affiliated with if it is not the same as the subject code.
TERMS​ ​TERMS_USER1 ​PowerFAIDS POE (Period of Enrollment) Token Key (used to map terms between Colleague and PowerFAIDS since their keys are not the same)
​TERMS ​TERMS_USER2 ​This field stores Y if the term data should be imported to BB Learn. Otherwise, it will be N or NULL. ​BBExportFlag
​VOUCHERS ​VOU_USER10 ​Stored the shipping and handling charges if there are any
​YEARLY_CYCLES ​YC_USER1 ​This field contains Y if the yearly cycle is for even academic years.
​YEARLY_CYCLES ​YC_USER2 ​This field contains Y if the yearly cycle is for odd academic years.