How to Create Files to be Used with the GLIM Process in Colleague

​​​Use the following guidelines to create files to be uploaded and imported into Colleague using the GLIM process for Internal University Chargebacks or Encumbrance Adjustments (other processes have different file layouts - see GLID GL Import Definition form in Colleague for each format):

File Format Definition

Setup the file as follows:

For Internal University Chargebacks: 

  1. ​Source code: type of entry (ex: JE, CB, EP) - 2 characters, starting at position 1
  2. GL Account No (no dashes, ex: 10000005223) - 11 characters, starting at position 3
  3. Debit Amount (positive number with no decimal point, ex: for $5.00 enter 500) - 13 characters, starting at position 14
  4. Credit Amount (positive number with no decimal point, ex: for $5.00 enter 500) - 13 characters, starting at position 27
  5. Description - 30 characters, starting at position 40
  6. Reference No - something that makes transaction unique (ex: purchase order number) - 10 characters, starting at position 70
  7. Transaction Date - MM/DD/YY format - 8 characters, starting at position 80
  8. Note: Balancing transactions must have matching Reference No and date.    See Ellucian guidance listed below for troubleshooting GLIM posting issues

For Encumbrance Adjustments (NOTE: encumbrance entries are one-sided and do not need an offsetting amount to have it net zero): 

  1. ​​Source code: type of entry (ex: JE, CB, EP) - 2 characters, starting at position 1
  2. GL Account No (no dashes, ex: 10000005223) - 11 characters, starting at position 3
  3. Debit Amount (positive number with no decimal point, ex: for $5.00 enter 500) - 13 characters, starting at position 14
    1. If the encumbrance amount you are trying to adjust is a negative number, you want to enter it as a debit amount
  4. Credit Amount (positive number with no decimal point, ex: for $5.00 enter 500) - 13 characters, starting at position 27
    1. If the encumbrance amount you are trying to adjust is a positive number, you want to enter it as a credit amount
  5. Description - 30 characters, starting at position 40 {note: the case and description must be an identical match to the original BPO description shown in the GL)
  6. Reference No - something that makes transaction unique (ex: purchase order number) - 10 characters, starting at position 70
  7. Transaction Date - MM/DD/YY format - 8 characters, starting at position 80
  8. Account ID - (vendor 7 digit ID number for encumbrance adjustments only) - 7 characters, starting in position 88

If using Excel - column widths must be setup as described above. Right click on each column and make sure the width is exactly the number of characters shown above. Make sure all data is left aligned. Use the correct format for date so that the leading zeroes are not dropped (Short Date ##/##/##). Once data is formatted properly save as Formatted Text (Space delimited) (*.prn)

If using NotePad - do not use tabs, only the spacebar.

​Note: Save the file with no headers and DO NOT uses spaces in the filename (this will cause the file to not be deleted once the GLIM process is complete).

Sample rows:

  • First row is a journal entry for debit of $25.00 to GL account 10000005223 on February 5, 2019:
  • Second row is an encumbrance entry for credit of $175.25 to GL account 10061755227​ on January 31, 2019:

ELLUCIAN Troubleshooting Tips

Colleague Finance GLIM posting error: transaction does not balance

There are several conditions that can cause you to receive the message "transaction does not balance". The GL Import (GLIM) Process uses two pieces of information to match lines for a single transaction: the date and the reference number. Based on those two pieces of information, Colleague will add the debit and credit columns, when they don't match you will see the message.

  1. Does your import file match the formatting defined in your GL Import Definition (GLID)
  2. Does GLID have fields for the transaction date and the reference number? If not, you may be able to import the file successfully, but the order of lines will be important - each debit line will need to be followed by a balancing credit line, or vice versa.
  3. Are the lines for each reference number together?
  4. Are there any negative amounts? Negative amounts should be moved to the other column, i.e. a negative credit should be entered as a debit and a negative debit should be entered as a credit.
  5. Are you using different transaction dates for balancing lines? Colleague will treat each date as a new transaction.