If you need to use a Savedlist to run a process on a specific group of records, there are two ways to create one.
SLED (Savedlist Edit Contents)
Use the SLED screen if you have a list of ID records that you need to run a process on. This could be obtained by running an ad-hoc query or an existing report from Reporting Services. To create a Savedlist with this specific group of IDS follow these steps:
- In Colleague, access SLED
- At the "Savedlist LookUp" prompt, enter the name of the Saved list you want to create or update using these guidelines for the file name
- no spaces or special characters
- do not start with a number as it interferes with certain Colleague processes
- use all uppercase
- identify the process and/or the user creating the list, ex: ANETFINFUPDATE
- Click Ok
- At the "Record not found -- RETURN to Reenter or (A)dd" dialog box, click "Add"
- You can enter each ID one at a time, line by line, or you can enter an entire list at once
- To enter the entire list
- Click on the detail button at the end of any line
- if reusing a Saved List be sure to delete previous records (Ctrl A to select all and Delete)
- When the blank screen appears, copy and paste the list from the appropriate document (Excel, Word, Access, Notepad, etc.)
- If using Person IDs are being used, make sure the leading zero is shown
- Delete header rows or blank lines if there are any
- Make sure there is not a blank line, backspace to put the cursor at the end of the last line of data
- Click "Save" to save your list
- Review the Record Count to ensure the correct number of records have been added
- Click "Save"/"Update" to exit the screen, the Savedlist is now ready to be used
SLCR (Savedlist Creation)
SLCR allows you to type in a select statement. Note that not all computed columns (virtual fields/i-descriptors) will work correctly. Data field selections should work fine.
- In Colleague, access SLCR
- At the "Savedlist LookUp" prompt, enter the name of the Saved list you want to create or update using these guidelines for the file name
- no spaces or special characters
- do not start with a number as it interferes with certain Colleague processes
- use all uppercase
- identify the process and/or the user creating the list, ex: ANETFINFUPDATE
- S03 should be used as a prefix for files used for processes that are on the Process Handler
- At the "Record not found -- RETURN to Reenter or (A)dd" dialog box, click "Add"
- The name entered above will automatically be used as the default "Savedlist Specification ID"
- In the "Savedlist Specification Description", you have the option to enter a more detailed description of the reason for creating the savedlist
- In the "Savedlist to Limit Results To", you have the option to enter a saved list to limit your selection if you want to select down off of a larger list
- Lastly, enter the select statement
- Note: you can click the detail button at the end of any row which will provide a blank screen where it may be easier to type the select statement, click "Save" to exit this screen
- In the "Review Results of the Select Statement", enter Y(es) to see the results
- Then click "Save" and "Update" to run the selection and the Savedlist will be created