How to Maintain Graduation Application Parameters in Colleague

The following parameters can be managed regarding the Graduation Application in SPA:

  • add or remove a term
  • change the number of tickets students can request
  • maintain the email paragraph that gets sent upon submission

To make updates do the following:

  • Log into Colleague
  • Access the GAWP (Grad Appl Web Parameters) screen 

Add/Remove Terms

  1. In the "Graduation Allowed Terms" field adjust the terms in the list:
    • Add the newest term at the bottom of the list by going to the next available line and entering the term code only using the corresponding term codes
      • FA/## for December
      • SP/## for May
      • SU2/## for August
  2. Remove any codes that should no longer be available to students to apply for by clicking on the number next to the term code you want to remove, click Delete to remove the code 

Change the Maximum Number of Commencement Guests

  1. Enter the appropriate number in the Maximum Number of Commencement Guests field

Edit the Email Paragraph

Students are sent an email confirmation upon submission of their graduation application. Edit the contents following these steps:

  1. Click the detail button next to the Grad Appl Paragraph field (the application should be filled in as SHU.GAWP.PARA)
  2. On the DPAR (Define Custom Paragraphs) screen, click the detail button next to any of the lines in the Paragraph Text portion of the screen
  3. Make any necessary edits to the paragraph and click Save, then save/update out of DPAR to bring you back to GAWP

Change the Graduation Question Options

  1. Click the detail button next to the Graduation Question Options field
  2. On the GAPQ (Graduation Application Questions) screen you can maintain the hidden or required columns on any of the 14 available fields, then save/update out of GAPQ to bring you back to GAWP

If there are no other changes to be made:

  1. Save out of the screen

Graduation Fees

Graduation fees are automatically assessed by a nightly procedure based on the following criteria:
  1. A graduation application has been submitted on SPA
  2. Student Type is NOT = 'EF','FT','LUXF','LX', 'PFT' (when student type changes, it will affect the assessment of the fee)
  3. A fee has not been assessed in the last 365 days
  4. Active student
  5. GRAD User1 field is null (this is updated in the background when the fee has been assessed)
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Article ID: 8369
Thu 6/13/24 10:08 AM
Thu 6/13/24 11:44 AM