If a person who is coded on Colleague passes away, there is a process to complete to "officially decease" the person. Only a small group of people have access to deceasing a person because *once deceased* it is hard to undecease a person (see bottom).
Deceased Verified
- In the CORE app, go to the DEC form and fill in the following fields (at a minimum):
- Status = D (Deceased Verified)
- Notification Date (when the university was notified)
- Verified Deceased Date (when the person actually died)
- Verification Date (when it was verified)
- Verified By (ID Number of the staff member coding this person as deceased
- Verification Source (click the drop down arrow and pick the selection that best represents how we verified the decease date
- Verification Source Person (who from the university told you to decease the person)
- SAVE/UPDATE from the DEC form
- Go to BIO form and ensure that the STATUS field is set to D (Deceased Verified) and that the Deceased Date has a value
- If the STATUS field is not set to D, then change the value
- Change the Privacy field to DE so that the privacy code banner Person is Deceased appears in the header block
- SAVE/UPDATE from the form
- Go to ADSU form
- Assign an end date to all "active" address records
- Confirm the Current Flag changes to Former
- SAVE/UPDATE from the form
- Go to FCTY to see if the person was a Faculty (has a value in the Department field). If yes:
- Change the Advise Flag to N
- If there is a count in the Current Advisees field, then the advisement records need to be ended by the Academic Department Assistant for the department this faculty member worked under and then these students need to be reassigned to another faculty member for advisement. There is a report in Reporting Services that the Admin Asst can run to get the list of students impacted and needing reassignment.
- SAVE/UPDATE from the form
- Go down to Next Steps
Undeceased Verified
If a person was coded as deceased and we have since found out that the person is really alive (trust me - it has happened!), you need to do the following to undecease the person in Colleague:
- In the CORE app, go to the DEC form
- Write down the deceased date
- Change the status to A
- Clear out all other fields on this form
- SAVE/UPDATE from the DEC form
- Go to the BIO form
- Change the PRIVACY FLAG to be NULL (instead of DE)
- SAVE/UPDATE from the BIO form
- Go to the ADSU form and if all addresses are marked as former
- Go through each address record and if the end date on the address is the same as the deceased date that appeared on DEC
- Delete the END DATE
- Change the Status from F(ormer) to C(urrent)
- SAVE/UPDATE from the form
- SAVE/UPDATE from the ADSU form once you've gone through each record
- Go to the COAF form to see if the person was a member of any organization coded there
- If the person was and the membership end date is the deceased date, then we need to remove the end date on those organization memberships for the person
- SAVE/UPDATE from the COAF form when done
- Go to the EDRC form (only Admin IT can access EDRC for security purposes)
- Enter DECEASED.PERSON for the file name
- Enter the person's ID number for the record
- If a record opens up on the form
- Click on the COG WHEEL
- Click on DELETE
- Click on OK
- The person should now be undeceased in Colleague
- Go down to Next Steps
Who Can Decease and Un-decease people in Colleague: Those people who can decease and un-decease a person (with the exception of the EDRC step) include: the Registrar, some of the Assoc/Asst Registrars, and Admin IT staff members with Colleague access. The EDRC step can only be completed by an Admin IT staff member with Colleague access. No one outside of Admin IT should have access to that form.
Next Steps: Please make sure we communicate out to other system admins about deceased person and undeceased person so they can update their systems (i.e. Human Resources, Admissions, University Advancement, Student Financial Assistance, Bursar, Registrar, IT Security, etc) depending on the person's relationship with the university.