How to Add or Remove T​erms for Search and Register​ in SPA

In order for terms to be visible on SPA (Colleague Self-Service) for searching the catalog and registration, the following forms must be updated in Colleague:

WSRP (Web Search Parameters)

  • In the Terms field, add in the terms that you want to become visible for Web Searches.
  • Also in the Terms field, remove the oldest terms that people would not be searching for course sections on.  Ideally, we would like to have no more than 10-14 terms in this list.  The response on SPA will degregate as the terms list increases in size.

RGWP (Registration Web Parameters)

  • In the Allowed Registration Terms field, add in the terms (reporting term and any individual terms that fall under it) to the beginning of the multi-valued list by "inserting" them
  • Also in the Allowed Registration Terms field, delete any terms from the bottom of the terms list that people can no longer register for or work on an incomplete for.  The response on SPA will degregate as the terms list increases in size. 
  • Update the Search St/End Date fields to ensure the end date goes through the end of the year of the most future term (if you entered 20/SP, then have the date be 12/31/2020).  Have the start date be the beginning of the year of your oldest term within the terms list (if you have 19/SS, then have the date be 01/01/2019).

CSWP (Class Schedule Web Parameters)

  • In the Allowed Terms field, add in the terms that you want to become visible for class schedules.
  • Also in the Allowed Terms field, remove any terms that are older than one year. (If you are currently in 19/FA term, then delete anything that is older than 18/FA). 

After updating these forms and their fields, contact Admin IT to recycle the application pools and run the start up scripts on all Colleague Self-Service servers.  Then you should advise all users to clear their browser cache and/or use incognito mode to see the updated terms.

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Article ID: 8540
Mon 6/17/24 3:48 PM
Mon 6/17/24 4:21 PM