How to Clean Up Advisor-Advisee Relationships in Colleague

Cleaning Up Advisor-Advisee Relationships in Colleague

As we are starting to get a little closer to the time when advisement in a semester will occur, I wanted to remind you of 2 reports that you should review on Reporting Services (Report Manager) and do data clean up as a result in Colleague to help faculty advisors with what they see in Web Advisor.

1. “Advisors with Inactive Advisees Integrity Check by Department” Report

This report identifies any students who are currently not actively registered for the Spring 2013 reporting term or future terms at this time and are still associated to a MAJOR advisor.  If we know these students (advisees) are no longer at SHU, then the relationships should be ended on the STAD screen in Colleague.  The parameter prompts for the report: (you choose your college/school, the department you should be reviewing, and then the advisor(s) you have listed under that department with advisees tied to them).

Those with a program status of Graduated, Withdrawn or Dismissed are the easiest to start cleaning up using the end date of when their student program ended (i.e. if they graduated on 05/14/2012 then end the advisor-advisee relationship on STAD with 05/14/2012).  The remaining list of those with program status of Active or Changed Program should be reviewed a bit more carefully.  If they are no longer enrolled in your area, then you should end the advisor-advisee relationship with when the student stopped being a part of your department program.  Ending these relationships will reduce the number of advisees an advisor sees on Web Advisor’s My Advisees and Advisees pages.

You should be reviewing this report after graduation has occurred and is coded in Colleague – as well as – whenever you know a student is leaving your department’s program/SHU.

2. “Advisees with Advisor No Longer Here Integrity Check by Department” Report

This report identifies any student (advisee) who is currently registered and has an advisor who is currently not working at SHU.  These students have no one to advise them during the advisement process and need someone reassigned to them to help ensure they are following the correct path towards their degree program.  The parameter prompts for the report: (you choose your college/school and the department you should be reviewing).

Colleague Steps

  • To end the current relationship between advisee and advisor as well as assign a new advisor to the student advisee, go to the STAD screen in Colleague.
  • Remember that the Colleague data for both of these reports is updated to Reporting Services every 4 hours so if you make changes and rerun the report immediately, you will not see the changes.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Admin IT Level 2 Support.