How to Create a New Academic Program on PROG in Colleague

Once a new academic program has been approved, the Registrar staff will add the new program in Colleague. To request a new academic program, review steps here: Colleague Request New Student Type-Academic Program

There are a number of fields that need to be populated on the PROG screen for a new academic program due to changes in reporting requirements to the National Student Clearinghouse and NSLDS.

When a new program is approved, if a new Degree, Major, Minor or CCDS code is required, please contact IT to have those new codes added to Colleague before creating the academic program.

The first step is to determine the academic program code.  The code should be comprised of the degree code followed by the major and/or concentration/specialization for degree seeking programs, a CCDS program should be comprised of CCDS followed by the major and/or concentration/specialization and the academic level, or if the program is a special program that does not award a degree or CCDS, it should be comprised of the department code, CERT, academic level and major/concentration/specialization.  Examples are as follows:

Degree Seeking Program

BS.CS - Bachelor of Science: Computer Science

  • Has a value in the degree field other than NON

CCDS (Certificate) Program

CCDS.GR.AC - Graduate Certificate: Accounting

  • Has a value in the CCDS field 

Special Certificate Program (No Degree or Certificate Awarded)

ED.CERT.CL097 - Education Certificate: Reading & Language Arts Consultant

  • Has no value (or NON) in the degree field and no value in the CCDS field

The next step, once the program has been approved by UAA and the State of CT, is to set it up on the PROG form in Colleague and fill in the following fields (at a minimum), refer to the following wiki for guidance on values to enter in these fields: Data Definition - Academic Programs

  • TITLE (using the format above)
  • DESC (description) 
    • should contain the URL to the SHU website page about the academic program as well as the URL to all of the major checksheets for each year that appear on the SHU website that are applicable to the program. It should include the HTML tags that allow these links to be displayed as a clickable link that will open in a separate tab. This provides a direct link via SPA/Colleague Self-Service for students and advisors (on the Progress tab) and is current with what the department is using in the catalog
    • Add the following code to the front of the URL for the link found on the website:  <a href="
    • Add the following code to the end of each URL for the link found on the website:  "target="_blank">Description as it should appear in SPA</a>
      • Example of the Description as it should appear in SPA for a program description:  BS Major Program Description
      • Example of the Description as it should appear in SPA for major checksheet: BS Major Checksheet Students Entering Fall 2019 or Later
    • This is an example of what the code in the detail of the Program Description should look like:
      • <a href=""target="_blank">BS Psychology Program Description</a>
      • <a href=""target="_blank">PS Major Checksheet Students Entering Fall 2019 or Later</a>
      • <a href=""target="_blank">PS Major Checksheet Students Entering Fall 2018 or Later</a>
      • <a href=""target="_blank">PS Major Checksheet Students Entering Fall 2015 or Later</a>
      • <a href=""target="_blank">PS Major Checksheet Students Entering Fall 2014 or Later</a>
      • <a href=""target="_blank">PS MajorChecksheet Students Entering Fall 2012 or Later</a>
    • If the link does not work, send a support request to Admin IT to determine if a control character was embedded in the link which needs to be resolved using EDRC
  • STATUS DT (enter a date associated with the status)
  • APPR DT (enter the Approval Date by the State of CT)
  • DEPARTMENT (enter the department this program falls under)
  • CATALOGS (enter the catalog years that this program can run under)
  • START/END DT (enter the start and end dates that this program can run)
  • DEGREE (if it is a degree seeking program)
  • CCDS (if it is a certificate program)
  • MAJORS (enter one or more major codes)
  • MINORS (enter one or more minor codes if any)
  • SPEC (enter one or more specialization codes if any)
    • if a new one is needed, request it from Admin IT
  • ACAD LEVEL (enter an academic level)
  • GRADE SCHEME (enter the appropriate grade scheme for this program)
  • NATIONAL ID (enter the CIP code associated with this program)
  • STU SELECT (enter Y if you want to have it appear in Colleague Self-Service's WHAT IF scenario of Program Evaluation/Degree Audit)
  • OHE# (enter the State of CT number for this program)
  • TRAN GROUP (enter the transcript print grouping)
  • TYPES (enter the codes to define the type of program)
  • MTHS TO CMPL (enter the number of months it takes to complete this program)
  • APPRV (enter the type of approval we received for this program from the state of CT)
  • ALLOW GRAD (enter YES if someone can graduate from this program, otherwise NO)
  • ALL ONLINE (enter the appropriate value from the drop-down to indicate how this program can be completed)
  • CREATE APPL (enter N)
  • ADDNL INFO (The Registrar's Office should fill in fields on the supplemental screens per their documented procedures, APRI is necessary for transcripts in SPA)
    • Detail to APRI and fill in the Unofficial Transcript Grouping - this is needed for the unofficial transcript on SPA
      • Enter UGU for an Undergraduate program
      • Enter GRU for a Graduate program
      • Enter CEU for a Continuing Education program 
  • The final step is to go in to the DFAP screen, pull up the academic program and enter the years to complete in the Published Program Years and save out of the screen.