If you require access to budget information for the department accounts you oversee or an update to your existing access, please submit the request form found here: Budget Inquiry Access Request form
The form will route to the Business Office for approval first and, if approved, will then route to your department Dean or VP for final approval. Upon completion, a ticket will automatically be created for your request and will be assigned to the Administrative IT staff to update your access. You will receive an email with the status of your form workflow (approved or denied) along with a SHU Footprints email indicating that the request is in the Administrative IT queue. Once the access has been processed, you will receive an email to confirm the process is complete and guidance to verify your access.
How is the Dean or VP notified that their approval is needed?
The Dean or VP will receive an email from Transform after Business Office Approval, stating there is a request for their approval of budget access for the named individual.
Why did this process change?
Many of our administrative processing forms have been moved from a paper/manual process to a more secure and streamlined electronic form processing system. We have designed the forms in Transform which validates the ID of the submitter, and in the case of Budget Access Requests, the individual for whom access is requested, and the approver. Additionally the Business Office vets the request.
Please allow up to 10 business days for processing from the point of submission through the completed access assignment.
For additional Budget Inquiry report information, click here.
For any questions regarding your budget, new accounts, or the budget inquiry request process, please contact businessoffice@sacredheart.edu.