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Members of the University need to activate their University Account for access to SHU systems.
Students, applicants, alumni, and staff/faculty without a university issued/leased laptop should follow these steps.
Faculty, staff, adjuncts, vendors, and contractors with a Sacred Heart University issued laptop - a leased laptop through a 4-year Laptop program, Adjunct Laptop program, or short-term lease - must change their Account Password on their laptop.
Network accounts are user accounts that allow an individual to access and use resources at Sacred Heart University.
​​​eValue is a cloud based software solution that ensures institutional oversight of clinical education programs and simplifies program administration for the College of Nursing.
A virtual private network (VPN) is a network that uses a public telecommunication infrastructure, such as the Internet, to provide remote offices or individual users with secure access to their organization's network.
Add a CLA to a course to access supporting materials.
Steps to login and logout of colleague.
Solution that manages requests for access to SHU systems (except Dayforce) and resources for non-university employees such as vendor employees, contract workers, temporary workers, interns, and volunteers.
The Budget Inquiry report is available in the Budget Inquiry Users folder in Reporting Services. Faculty and staff who have been approved and granted access to one or more accounts are authorized to view the operating income and expenses of approved GL accounts through this report.
​​​​​​How to Request Budget Inquiry Account Access or Changes to My Existing Access
Provides the ability to allow SPA users to grant secure proxy access to other users for select SPA pages and workflows. Users can designate one or more persons or employees as a proxy and can grant each proxy permission to view and act on information, ex: provide parents access to grades.
Some users have the ability to submit third party account requests on behalf of those who need an account.
Your university account may become locked out, in that case you may not be able to sign in to your accounts even if you are using a correct password or a newly reset password.
Door access control provides a higher level of security by restricting unauthorized access to sensitive areas such as research labs, server rooms, administrative offices, or dormitories.