​Troubleshooting Issues with SHUAwards (Net Partner)

Here are common issues students experience with SHU Awards:

1. Issue - Reset Student Pin

  • ​To reset their PIN needed to access SHU Awards, students should contact the Student Financial Assistance office - SFA Contact Info

2. Issue - Errors Encountered when Submitting Financial Aid Applications

  • Check to be sure that all fields are filled in, if there are fields that do not pertain the student should enter an NA or 0 before submitting.  
  • If this does not resolve the error, the student should be referred to the Student Financial Assistance Office for further help.​

3. Issue - Students Kicked by Browser

Advise the student to close their browser out completely.  A recent upgrade of the software updated some of the security settings related to active sessions.  

  • Access Net Partner Student > complete required tasks > Log out.
  • Close browser completely (If it's a tab in Chrome, completely close Chrome)
  • Open browser and log in once more.