How to Maintain Student Academic Program in Colleague

There are many reasons to make changes to a student's academic program. 

When a change in the academic program (major) is coded for a student, the new program must be added first and then the old program can be ended.  If the old program is ended first, it ends the academic level as well which can cause issues. 

If a student decides to pursue an additional major, minor, or a future graduate program while they are still an undergraduate student, follow the steps to update their program.

Add a New Program

  1. Log into Colleague
  2. Look up the student on SACP (Student Academic Program)
  3. When the list of academic programs is displayed, click the Add + button in the lower left-hand corner
  4. At the "Acad Program LookUp" prompt
    • if the program code is available, simply type it in (ex: BS.MK)
    • if the program code is unavailable, search for the new program using the degree type and name, ex: BS.M...
  5. The Catalog Year should default to the catalog year when the student first enrolled, this should only be changed in the following cases:
    • The program was not available during their original catalog year
    • The student should follow requirements specific to a catalog year
  6. Enter the Location and Admit Type for the Student
  7. The start date will default to the current date
    • if it is an actual program change, the current date should be used
    • if it is a correction, use the start date of the old program (which should be the beginning of the semester)
  8. If the student has a double major, minor, or specialization, click the detail button next to Program Additions
    • enter the Addnl Major(s), Addnl Minor(s) and/or Addnl Spec codes as appropriate
    • Click Save/Update out of the STPA screen
  9. Click Save/Update out of the SACP screen
    • If you click Cancel the changes on the STPA screen will not be saved

End an Old Program

  1. Log into Colleague
  2. Look up the student on SACP (Student Academic Program)
  3. When the list of academic programs is displayed, select the program that needs to be ended
  4. Enter an End Date
    • if it is an actual program change, use the current date
    • if it is a correction, make the end date for the old program the day before the original start date (which should be the start of the semester)
    • the end date for the program being ended should align with the start date of the new program, ex: a student starting a new program in the following semester, if it is Fall and the new program starts in January, the end date of the old program should be one day before the start of the Spring term
  5. Status/Date/Opr fields should automatically update to C "Changed", with the username and current date
  6. Check if Program Additions has an X in it (indicating there are additional programs)
    • if there are additional majors, minors, or specializations listed, they also need to be ended with the same end date and then added to the new program if appropriate, ex: Honors Program, if this is not done there will be data issues with reporting, SPA, or integrations
    • Save/Update out of the STPA screen
  7. Save/Update out of the SACP screen

Update an Existing Program

  1. Log into Colleague
  2. Look up the student on SACP (Student Academic Program)
  3. When the list of academic programs is displayed, select the program that needs to be updated

Graduate Options (add a specialization)

  1. To add a graduate, pre-health, pre-law, etc. option, click on Program Additions at the bottom of the screen
    • Go to the Addnl Specs (Additional Specializations) field
      • if you know the specialization code, simply type it in (ex: BMBA - Comb Prog MBA)
      • if you don't know the code, search for the specialization by entering ... 
        • the Dual Degree descriptions all start with Dual Deg
        • the Combined Program descriptions all start with Comb Prog
        • The start date will default to the current date, it can be changed if necessary
  2. Save/Update out of the STPA (Student Acad Program Addition)
  3. Save/Update out of SACP (Student Academic Program)

For additional information on Graduate Options, review the details here: Data Definition - Graduate Options.

To look up codes run the "Active Majors Minors and Specializations" report in Reporting Services.

Additional Majors or Minors

  1. To add an additional major or minor, click on Program Additions at the bottom of the screen
    • Go to the Addnl Majors or Minors field
      • if you know the code, simply type it in (ex: AC - Accounting)
      • if you don't know the code, search for the major or minor by entering ... 
        • The start date will default to the current date, it can be changed if necessary
  2. Save/Update out of the STPA (Student Acad Program Addition)
  3. Detail in to the DA Eval/Cust screen below Program Additions to the PGEC - Pgm Evaluation/Customization screen
    • Locate the Addnl Major or Minor you added in the previous step
    • In the Standard Reqmt field, enter the code for that Addnl Major or Minor that is listed in the Excel spreadsheet provided by the Registrar's Office (reach out to the Registrar's Office for a copy if necessary)
    • Save and Update on PGEC back to the SACP screen
  4. Save/Update out of SACP (Student Academic Program)

Multiple Active Programs

There are situations when a student may have multiple active programs, which are valid and nothing should be updated.

  • Current undergraduate student accepted into a graduate program, ex: DPT student
  • Student enrolled in dual enrollment programs, ex: College of Education certificate students, BS.GS & AS.RAD
  • NOTE: in order for the correct student type to be assigned, the start date for the program with the appropriate student type must be one day after the start date of the program for the incorrect student type, ex:
    • AS.RAD start date 2/22/22, BS.GS start date 2/23/22 -> FTUG student type (correct assignment)
    • AS.RAD start date 2/23/22, BS.GS start date 2/22/22 -> SVR student type (incorrect assignment)

Situations when a student has multiple active programs that are not valid

  • Applicant withdrew from the original program, applied to a different graduate program and an additional program was created in Colleague
    • In this case, the original program must be ended according to the instructions above

Major of Interest 

Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate applicants indicate their major of interest during the application process. Their academic program is updated upon deposit in Colleague.

Graduate Programs

Graduate applicants are assigned to their program of interest upon acceptance/deposit as appropriate.