How to Add and Update Names in Colleague

Follow the steps below according to the type of name update being performed.

Legal Name Updates (performed only by staff in the Office of the Registrar)

  1. In Colleague, go to NAE (Name and Address Entry)
  2. At the Person LookUp prompt enter either the person ID (7 digit number) or name (LastName, FirstName OR FirstName LastName)
  3. In the Name LFM section, update the legal name in the appropriate box
    • The first box is the legal last name (max characters 30)
    • The second box is the legal first name (max 15 characters)
    • The third box is the legal middle name (max 15 characters)
    • In order to preserve proper casing use an equal sign (=) before the name, ex:
      • =DiGiorgio will save the name as DiGiorgio
      • DiGiorgio will save the name as Digiorgio
  4. Press Enter and the following prompt will be provided
    • Is this a Name Change (Y/N)
      • Click Y - when it is truly a legal name change so that the history of the name change is saved 
        • The following prompt will display: "Is this a (B)irth or a (Other) name change"
        • Select the appropriate option
      • Click N - do not change
        • Use this option when it is truly a typo being updated
  5. Click Save and Update
  6. When you are done editing names, click Finish

Chosen Name Updates (performed only by staff in the Office of Inclusive Excellence)

A person can request to add or update their chosen name. Once the request has been reviewed, follow the steps below to add or update the chosen name. For more information about chosen names, review this wiki.

  1. In Colleague, go to BIO (Biographic Information)
  2. At the Person LookUp prompt enter either the person ID (7 digit number) or name (LastName, FirstName OR FirstName LastName) 
  3. Once the person's information is displayed update the chosen name fields as explained below
    • In the Chosen LFM section, enter the chosen name in the appropriate box
      • The first box is the chosen last name (max characters 30)
      • The second box is the chosen first name (max 15 characters)
      • The third box is the chosen middle name (max 15 characters)
      • In order to preserve proper casing use an equal sign (=) before the name, ex:
        • =DiGiorgio will save the name as DiGiorgio
        • DiGiorgio will save the name as Digiorgio
    • If there is no chosen name for a particular box, do not enter anything, the legal last name will be automatically used if none is entered
    • If a previously requested name needs to be replaced, simply type over that name
      • Unlike other name fields, history will not be maintained for chosen names
    • If a previously requested name needs to be removed (person wants to use their legal name), simply delete the information in the appropriate field
    • If a single name is requested, enter the chosen name in the last name field and leave the others blank
    • Click Save and Update
    • When you are done editing names, click Finish

Note: It may take up to 24 hours for the chosen name to update throughout the various systems.

See the chart here for clarification on how the chosen names will be displayed in SPA: Student Planning and Advising (SPA) - General Information


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Thu 6/13/24 11:19 AM
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