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The Emergency Information section of SPA allows a user to review, update, or add who they would like SHU to contact for them in the case of a personal emergency or if one should be declared missing. This is not the same as the emergency alert number provided for calls/texts when there is a situation on campus.
How to Add and Update Names.
The User Profile section of SPA allows a user to review, update, or add data about themselves.
There are times when Slate and Colleague are out of sync and manual updates must be performed. Several reports show mismatched data.
This article shows the steps to add a CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) Code to be used with academic programs on PROG or major codes on MAJR.
Follow the steps for how to inactivate, add, update, and update subjects in Colleague.
Department Chairs change annually and need to be updated manually into Colleague's FCTY form. If you have a chair that needs to be changed log into Colleague and remove the code from the former department chair and add to the new department chair.
How to Troubleshoot the Batch Grade Change Update Process (BGCU).`
When student types need to be added or updated in Colleague, you can manually change it per student or do it via a batch update.
How to Add, Update, End Memberships.
How to Add and Update Email Addresses.
We have occasion where a student's class standing does not update during the regularly scheduled run of CLUP (Class Standing Update) in the Process Handler.
Guidelines for adding or updating a cohort for a full-time undergraduate students.