How to Troubleshoot Online Registration Issues for Faculty in SPA

Advisors Can't See Advisees

Check with the Academic Department Assistant to make sure the student is properly assigned to them in Colleague

Faculty Only Sees Course Catalog When they Log In

Complete the following form for assistance: AdminIT System Support Request

  1. For System/Application Name: select "Student Planning and Advising (SPA)"
  2. For Type of Request: select "Functionality Issue"
  3. For System Analyst Name: select "Lori-Jo McEwan"
  4. For Description: enter the specific issue with detailed information

Advisor Permission Registration Block Not Released

As a reminder, advisors need to perform the following steps in order for the block to be released:

  1. Approve at least one course on the plan by clicking the checkbox next to the course(s), then click Approve and confirm you see a thumbs up next to at least one course
  2. Use the "Click Thumbs Up, Enter Notes and click here" button on the top right
  3. The following message will be displayed: "Would you like to archive this course plan?", click Yes
  4. Wait up to 30 minutes for the block to be released

If the advisor still sees the "Advisor permission needed" notification, confirm that all steps have been completed correctly:

  1. Look up the advisee in SPA
  2. Go to the appropriate term
  3. Check that at least one course has a thumbs up next to it
  4. Click the Plan Archive tab
  5. Check that there is a recently archived plan
  6. Download the plan, scroll down to the term the student is trying to register for and make sure that there is at least one course marked approved with a name and date of who approved the course(s)
  7. Look at the time that the plan was approved and confirm that at least 30 minutes have passed since the time the approval was performed 

If all the steps above have been verified and there is still an issue, complete the following form for assistance: AdminIT System Support Request

  1. For System/Application Name: select "Student Planning and Advising (SPA)"
  2. For Type of Request: select "Functionality Issue"
  3. For System Analyst Name: select "Lori-Jo McEwan"
  4. For Description: enter the specific issue with detailed information including examples with student ID(s)