How to Update User Profile Information in SPA

The User Profile section of SPA allows a user to review, update, or add data about themselves.  Log into SPA here: Then, click on your username in the top right-hand corner of the form and choose USER PROFILE.  The following data can be added, reviewed, and/or updated:


  • You can have one value for each of the following address types:
    • Home (where you reside permanently - not where you live while attending SHU unless you commute)
    • Local (where you live while attending SHU if you do not live in SHU residential halls)
    • Business (work address)
    • Campus Box (for residential students only - cannot be edited by user)
  • Review the existing addresses (if any) and click on the EDIT button (pencil) if you would like to update an existing address, make your changes, and then click on UPDATE ADDRESS
  • Click on ADD NEW ADDRESS if you would like to add an address for one of the address types above that we do not have an address for
  • If you have no changes and everything is correct, click on the CONFIRM button just under the ADDRESS heading to help us know this information is correct

Chosen Name

  • At the top of the form, you will see what is entered as your Chosen Name.  
  • If you do not have a value or would like to update the existing one, review the request process here: SHU Chosen Name Policy and Procedure

Email Address

  • You can update your non-SHU email address here so that we have an alternative way of reaching out to you via email
  • Review the existing email (if any) with Type Internet Address and click on the EDIT button (pencil) if you would like to update an existing address, make your change, and then click on UPDATE EMAIL
  • You can delete the Internet Address email by clicking on the DELETE button (X) to the right of it
  • If you have no changes and everything is correct, click on the CONFIRM button just under the EMAIL heading to help us know this information is correct

Phone Numbers

  • You can have one value for each of the following phone types:
    • Home (phone number associated with your home address)
    • Cellular Phone (your cell phone number)
    • Business (phone number at your place of employment)
  • ​Review the existing phone numbers (if any) and click on the EDIT button (pencil) if you would like to update on, make your changes, and then click on UPDATE PHONE
  • You can delete a phone number that is no longer valid by clicking on the DELETE button (X) to the right of it
  • If you have no changes and everything is correct, click on the CONFIRM button just under the PHONE NUMBERS heading to help us know this information is correct


  • At the top of the form, you will see if pronouns have been selected.  If you do not have a value or would like to update the existing one, click on the EDIT PERSONAL IDENTITY button.
  • Select the pronouns from the dropdown list and click on SAVE to update your record in the university ERP system.