​​How to Request a Change to Your Network Username

Usernames can be changed if there is a legal name change or there was a mistake in the originally created username.
When your first or last name changes (due to a life change, probate request, typo, etc...) and you want to have your Sacred Heart username changed to reflect the new name, you need to bring documented proof of the name change/correct spelling (driver's license, marriage certificate, social security card, etc.) to the following office:

For All Users:

  • Staff, Faculty, and Adjuncts need to contact HR and provide proof of the name change so it can be updated in the HR database
  • Students need to contact the Registrar and provide proof of the name change so it can be updated in the Colleague database
After the appropriate office has updated its system to reflect the new/corrected name, contact the IT Service Desk to open a ticket for a username change. Provide them with your old and new/correct name.  
While an attempt will be made to provide a new username that matches <last name><first initial>, it cannot be guaranteed.  Once a username is assigned to a person, it is theirs for life.  If someone before you is already assigned <last name><first initial>, then a number will be appended to the end of it.  When the username change is completed, we will notify you of the exact username you have been reassigned.
Note: Your email display name will reflect what your legal name is on file in the Human Resources/Student system(s) regardless of if you request a username change or not (for legal purposes).  If you would like your previous last name to be put in parentheses after your new last name in the Display Name, contact the IT Service Desk to open a ticket.
Example for above Note: 
Birth/Former Name is Jessica Jones
New Name is Jessica Smith
Username (user chooses to keep it with the previous last name) is jonesj
The display name in Outlook can be either of these (the first one is the default):
Smith, Jessica
Smith (Jones), Jessica

Note for IT:

Upon user request, please open an incident and assign it to the Admin IT System Analyst supporting Account Management, including former and new name as well as a contact cell phone number and non-SHU email address that the person can be reached at.