How to Sync SACP - IASU Graduation Mismatch Scenario 1 in Colleague

There are times when we see that the academic program on SACP with a graduation status of G is not what the student was coded as graduating with​ on IASU.  Several instances occur ... one where it appears to be a data conversion issue ... other when it wasn't updated completely.   Step through the following corrective steps (provided by Ellucian) to get both forms back in sync.

Procedure - Colleague SACP - IASU Graduation Mismatch Scenario 1

Problem identified has the student coded on:

  • SACP as graduating from a GR.UN or UG.UN (not possible)
  • IASU has the academic program MSP.PT 
  • MSP.PT is an invalid academic program.  It should be MS.PT.


To fix this you will need to:

  • Delete the wrong degree info on IASU
  • Create a new entry on IASU
  • Fix the program records on SACP


To do this:

  • ​Log into Colleague
  • ​Go to SACP form and enter the Student's ID.  
  • The resolution form displays the following:
  • (Screenshot #1)

  • Cancel out of this form
  • Go to IASU and enter the Student's ID.
  • The following displays (will be different for other students):​
  • (Screenshot #2)

  • Drill down into the Sacred Heart record to get to more detailed information
  • The following displays (will be different for other students):
  • (Screenshot #3)

  • Since we identified that it was the Master of Science/Physical Therapy that was not coded right, you want to drill down into that record in the ACAD CREDENTIALS area
  • The following displays (will be different for other students):
  • (Screenshot #4)

  • Jot down the Degree/Date value 
  • Change the Degree to be the correct one (in this case MS)
  • When you hit enter it will change the Date to be today's date.  Correct it to be what was originally thiere (in this case 05/01/99)
  • Click SAVE ALL and it will save and exit the form.
  • Go back to SACP form
  • Enter the Student's ID and you will see (screenshot #1 above)
  • Double click on the wrong student program record that has a graduated status (in this case #2 - GR.UN)
  • (Screenshot #5)

  • Drill down on the Status/Date/Opr to go to the SPSH form
  • ​The following displays (may be different for other students):
  • (Screenshot #6)

  • Change the G(raduated) status to be C(hanged) status and set the date with it to be one day earlier that the existing date.
  • Go to the lower section of SPSH, delete the first entry of Start/End date as it is incomplete, and then change the end date on the remaining line to match the status date you entered above.  (Note: The end date should match the most current status date).
  • Click SAVE ALL
  • Go back into SACP 
  • Enter the Student's ID and you will see (screenshot #1 above)
  • Double click on the student program record that should have a graduated status (in this case #1 - MS.PT)​
  • Drill down on the Status/Date/Opr to go to the SPSH form
  • ​The following displays (may be different for other students):
  • (Screenshot #7)

  • Change the C(hanged) status to be G(raduated) status.
  • Change the date on the A(ctive) status to be one day before the graduated status date (in this case 05/30/1999).
  • Go to the lower section of SPSH, change the start date to be the same date as the A(ctive) status.
  • Click SAVE ALL

One last step ...

  • Contact your ADMIN IT System Analyst and let the person know that you had to correct a SACP-IASU discrepancy and provide the ID number, wrong academic program key, and correct academic program key.  He/she will need to update one field in the ACAD.CREDENTIALS table for you that does not appear on any front end screen/form.  If you fail to do this, the record will remain out of sync and cause reporting and integration issues.
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Article ID: 9139
Thu 6/27/24 3:13 PM
Mon 7/8/24 11:22 AM